Bonus Dad Bonus Daughter
Welcome to "Bonus Dad, Bonus Daughter," a heartwarming and insightful podcast celebrating the unique bond between a stepfather Davey, and his stepdaughter Hannah.
Join them as they explore the joys, challenges, and everyday moments that make this relationship special.
Each episode they take a topic and discuss the differences, similarities and the effect each one had one them
Featuring candid conversations, personal stories, and many laughs
Whether you're a step-parent, stepchild, or simply interested in family dynamics, "Bonus Dad, Bonus Daughter" offers a fresh perspective on love, family, and the bonds that unite us.
Bonus Dad Bonus Daughter
Wrapping up 2024 with Bonus Mum and Ania
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We reflect on our cherished moments from 2024, sharing laughs and insights as a family. The episode captures our travels, music highlights, and resolutions, fostering a connection that resonates with listeners.
• Recap of family travel adventures
• Insights into music preferences and Spotify Wrapped
• Explorations of meaningful resolutions for the new year
• Discussion of significant global events
• Conversations around contemporary issues like AI and technology
• Gratitude expressed to our listeners and plans for future episodes
Hello and welcome to Bonus Dad. Bonus Daughter a special father-daughter podcast with me Hannah and me, davy, where we discuss our differences, similarities, share a few laughs and stories.
Speaker 2:within our ever-changing and complex world, Each week we will discuss a topic from our own point of view and influences throughout the decades, or you could choose one by contacting us via email. Instagram, facebook or TikTok Links in bio via email, instagram, Facebook or TikTok Links in bio. Welcome to a lovely special episode of Bonus Dad, bonus Daughter. We are here with Mum and Anya Anya's first time I'm here as well, oh yeah, well, you're always here. We're going to wrap up 2024 like we did last year when it was 2023.
Speaker 1:Well done with the maths, hannah.
Speaker 2:Thank you, thank you thank you, thank you, I'm here all week. May not just hit for three hours yeah three hours, of course yes, because we record podcast episodes. You know, Weekly, weekly, weekly.
Speaker 1:We don't do three episodes on the bounce.
Speaker 2:Absolutely not Ever, we never have any on the bounce.
Speaker 1:Does that mean that there could be three episodes with Anya and your mum in?
Speaker 2:I mean, if they want to come back for more, yes, back by popular demand.
Speaker 1:After all of the tweets and the comments. Yeah, yeah, please have them two back on, please.
Speaker 2:Anya, we've never met her before. Please, please, please, get her back on.
Speaker 1:And I like the fact that they haven't actually said anything yet either.
Speaker 3:No, Bonus dad bonus daughter bonus, mum bonus friend. Yes.
Speaker 2:We had bonus Benji before as well.
Speaker 1:We did have bonus Benji before. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:So what are we doing?
Speaker 2:We are wrapping up 2024 this time.
Speaker 1:Right, okay.
Speaker 2:So I listened back to our wrap to 2023. Yeah, and quite frankly, I cringed all the way through because I hate listening to myself back, but I did it for you guys. Um, so we spoke in our 2023 one wrap up about going to alton towers, which we did.
Speaker 3:We, absolutely we did.
Speaker 2:We went to alton towers a year ago yeah, so it was with, so, the wrap-up of last year, we mentioned that we're going to go to alton towers. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but we went in june, july, so it was like well over six months ago. And then you spoke about going to America, which?
Speaker 1:we did, which we did.
Speaker 2:And we spoke about that in great detail as well. We mentioned that we wanted to expand the podcast and have some guests, which we've done.
Speaker 1:A bit late though, last minute.
Speaker 2:A little last minute, but we did have other. Yeah, we said like shit, we need guests.
Speaker 1:Well, we had.
Speaker 2:Auntie Hilary as well.
Speaker 1:We did.
Speaker 2:yeah, I can't call her Auntie Hilary, Sorry.
Speaker 3:Hilary, she doesn't like Auntie.
Speaker 2:Hilary had a drink on the podcast and Mum again. Last time as well we did, which we'll speak about a little bit later on in my little stats compilation.
Speaker 1:Compilation. Do you know what you said? That in the very, very first episode, in the music episode, I can't ever pronounce that word correctly. Yeah, you said compilation rather than compilation, compilation.
Speaker 2:We were talking about like not.
Speaker 1:It's quite cute really.
Speaker 2:Not talking about proper things in the car earlier, weren't we? But that's better. Yeah, not proper English.
Speaker 1:Not proper English.
Speaker 2:We're from Norfolk, that clears you well yeah, then I mentioned that in 2023 I'd be traveling a, traveling a lot, which I did, where did you go? God, I went everywhere. I went to belgium, belgium, I went to belgium, france. No, did I go to france? I'm saying that, so did I go to france?
Speaker 2:you went to amsterdam oh, I went through france. I went to paris paris is in france, I know, but it was like a stop gap on the train. But I did eat in Paris and spoke a little bit of French, which was fun. And then, yeah, I went to Amsterdam, which I didn't know I was doing until because I got a new job this year, so at the start of 2024. I didn't know that I'd be going to Amsterdam, which was fun. And then also went to Germany. Is that all I did? Oh, and I just went across the UK.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so you basically did a tour of Europe.
Speaker 2:Pretty much, yeah, Pretty much. So I did that. We said in 2023 that Baldur's Gate was the game of the year. It was. It did get voted game of the year. We stopped playing it. So you were like this is the game of the year. We're going to be playing this all year. For some reason, we just didn't get back into it, Did you not? No, we haven't picked it up in a while. So bye Baldur's Gate, but hello Tricky Towers. Tricky Towers is basically a game. It's kind of like Tetris, but it's tricky.
Speaker 1:A little bit harder.
Speaker 2:Yeah, a little bit harder and there's like three game modes and it's really cool. If you have a PS4, ps5 maybe it's on there. Have fun with your family. And then I also mentioned about bullet journaling at the start of the year and how I'd keep up with it. I did very well up until basically september and then I, um, got a bit bit slack, a bit lazy with it did you get lazy or did you get bored?
Speaker 2:I think lazy because lazy because the little thing come up and I was like I'll do it tomorrow, okay I'll do it tomorrow so I have a little reminder on my phone to do it. But yeah, yeah, yeah, I've just realized that I've done a Spotify wrapped of my wrapped, but you didn't put yours in the script.
Speaker 1:I didn't put mine in the script, but I do remember it.
Speaker 2:Oh, you do remember it. Yeah, I do remember it. My wrapped this year music wise, wise, what you're listening to. Obviously your top podcast was bonus dad, bonus daughter. Of course, it was sure, sure, sure. Do you know what your top like artist was? Um, you're welcome to look right.
Speaker 3:So, weirdly enough, I think it probably is billy ocean, billy ocean. No, is it billy ocean? Billy eilish? No, no, billy ocean, billy ocean. Is that why?
Speaker 1:is that why red light danger keeps coming up on my spotify? I?
Speaker 2:swim to it, I run to it, I, I get I my Spotify, I swim to it, I run to it. I understand why you'd swim to it with a name like Billy Ocean.
Speaker 1:I wondered why, like in the car, it's on there now look.
Speaker 3:Yeah, red Light Spells Danger. Yeah, if you haven't heard, it.
Speaker 2:listen to it, it is so groovy. Do you have a top music artist, anya, that you listen to Like? Do you know who you listen to the most? I listen to a lot and. I watch a lot.
Speaker 3:I have no idea. You have no idea what you do. I have no idea what the song's called, who the artist is from. It just sounds good it sounds good and I listen to it yeah, and I listen to it. You did tell me you love Teddy Swims at the moment, at At the moment. Yeah, I do love Bloody Swims. The dream song I'm going to get out of my head.
Speaker 2:I hear you're a Whitney Houston fan as well. Right, I am a Whitney Houston fan. Yeah, nice, nice. Do you dance with people? No, I don't, oh my God.
Speaker 3:It's the first.
Speaker 2:Whitney Houston song that came to my head. I must admit.
Speaker 1:Maybe after a couple of Sherries.
Speaker 3:We have to try this Christmas mate. We have to try this Christmas, yeah oh, dear, god so my top artist was Rory, which no surprises there.
Speaker 2:I saw her this last year, sorry, and I'm now going to see her in 2025. Is this episode coming out in 2025?
Speaker 1:yeah, it will do yeah, yeah, yeah in that case, I'm seeing Rory this year.
Speaker 2:We're definitely not recording this on 2024 at the end of the year. Actually, what is the date today? It is the 22nd of December. We're recording this on 2024 at the end of the year. Actually, what is the date today? It is the 22nd of December. We're recording this on 22nd, ready for the new year, so we can have a little break over Christmas.
Speaker 1:That was the plan. Right, yeah, that's the plan.
Speaker 2:Yeah, my top artist was Rory, and no surprises. My top song was oh no, he Said what? By Nothing. But Thieves.
Speaker 1:Yeah, can you?
Speaker 2:sing a bit, because I've no idea. That's a hard one, isn't it? That is a hard one. We have lost control, have you seen? No, no, fair enough, it wasn't a very good rendition. I have to admit, I listened to 25 336 minutes of spotify, but that was not the um. That was not the largest number in my house, because mitchell listened to like 45 000. So, um, yeah, davy, you have to let us know what yours is. Yeah, I'm just trying to find mine. She sent it to me, so I did send it to you?
Speaker 2:yeah, well, actually I sent it to me via your phone yeah, I thought this might happen.
Speaker 1:I do know that my most played song was separate ways by daughtry and lizzie hale from hailstorm it was yeah, yeah. I don't know why, because well, it must have been, but I didn't think I was listening to it that much.
Speaker 2:You definitely sent it to me. Here it is. I've got yours here. Yeah, oh God, it's going to play the whole thing. Oh no, it's going to play mine. That's rubbish. I can just oh, your top artist was Mainskin Leave a Light On. I was made.
Speaker 1:Ah, that's, papa wrote Made for loving you. Yeah, youngblood.
Speaker 3:I really like that version.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I really like that version.
Speaker 2:Land of Confusion and Too Sweet, you're too sweet.
Speaker 1:Land of Confusion. Does that Disturbs version?
Speaker 3:Yes, yes.
Speaker 1:Well, I know those Of the artists Phil Collins, Phil Collins did it originally, but I know Phil Collins oh.
Speaker 3:I know Phil Collins, oh, I know of him.
Speaker 2:My favourite, phil Collins, is Billy, don't you lose my number. Don't add anywhere, isn't?
Speaker 1:Mitchell a really big Phil Collins fan.
Speaker 2:He is indeed, yeah well, I say big, big fan. He listens to three of his songs exclusively.
Speaker 1:A lot right yeah, and Mitchell listened to more music than you did last year. Yeah, he did, so he's listened to.
Speaker 3:Phil.
Speaker 1:Collins on repeat. Three Phil Collins songs on repeat, constantly, for the whole year it's that one, billy.
Speaker 2:Don't you Lose my Number Su Su Studio. That one Su. Su Studio what's the other one? It's not in the air tonight. Paradise Might have been Paradise. That's Paradise, isn't it? Yeah, anyway, yeah, so what were your listens? I didn't actually look. Sorry, yours were really low.
Speaker 1:Yeah, mine was actually quite low.
Speaker 3:So are these like summaries on Spotify.
Speaker 2:Ah, that's why, yeah. So Spotify does like a wrapped version of what you've listened to throughout the year. Like Strava, Exactly like Strava.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly when you actually played that to me in the car. That was really because that was AI, wasn't it?
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, so they've done an AI podcast on Spotify as well. So basically it's a tiny like soundbite of what. Two minutes About that yeah, about two minutes, and it's all AI, so it just tells you what your top song was. It was really cool. It was really cool. Yours was quite funny, I thought.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:They were probably getting into your groovy music taste, because it mentioned about the D&D music that you play. It's like you're really into what was it. It was something like cinematic orchestra or something.
Speaker 1:And that's just the background music that I put on Spotify when we play D&D, play D&D, play D&D. I don't listen to it, just generally, but you should, I should, yeah, but my music was really. It was really kind of wide, wasn't it?
Speaker 2:Wide, wide, up and down. Yeah, lots of things.
Speaker 1:There's a bit of rock in there obviously so.
Speaker 3:Your Spotify is really good.
Speaker 2:Our summary for Strava is really good yeah, do you want to talk about your?
Speaker 3:Strava. I haven't done my summary on Strava. I have where's mine?
Speaker 2:let's get our Stravas up because, davey, do you want to get your Strava? There you go Miles.
Speaker 1:I don't even have Strava. No, you do, I do have it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do have it. Don't you like do kayaking? No, you do, I do have it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do have it.
Speaker 2:Because don't you do kayaking.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do it for the kayaking, but the rest of it, all that running and all that other exercise, I've seen other people do it and post it online like a summary.
Speaker 3:I don't think this year my Strava's great.
Speaker 2:Let's talk about our resolutions for 2025, because that's what we did in 2024 and let's see if we next year do it. I thought we did all of them but Baldur's Gate.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Impressed with ourselves. So, yeah, what resolutions do we have for 2025? Have you got a particular resolution? I, yeah, I want to work less, work less.
Speaker 1:Work less.
Speaker 2:As in like professionally.
Speaker 1:As in professionally, stop being at work all the time. It would be really really nice. As in professionally, stop being at work all the time. It would be really really nice To spend more time with my wife.
Speaker 3:I don't think that's going to happen, because I'm definitely not going to be working less To spend more time on my own.
Speaker 2:Lovely Okay, okay, mum, what's your name? It's Resolution. To spend less time with my husband.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't like setting resolutions because I don't like to set myself up for failure.
Speaker 2:This was a great talking point for a podcast, wasn't it Wasn't it?
Speaker 3:Yeah, do you want to humour us with maybe a silly one? Yeah, maybe a silly one. Eat more cake, just a thought. Yeah, actually, probably time management would be good Time management.
Speaker 2:But I love the optimism there.
Speaker 1:I don't want to set a resolution because I don't want to set myself up to fail, that kind of yeah. But to be fair, how many resolutions do actually end up in failure? Quite a lot.
Speaker 2:Probably quite a lot Quite a lot yeah.
Speaker 1:The thing that gets me is everyone goes. This is going to be my year.
Speaker 2:My year.
Speaker 1:My year is this year and then two days later. Did you do it? No, maybe 2026 will be better.
Speaker 2:Yeah, have you got any resolutions for 2025?
Speaker 3:Anya, yes, I'd like to travel more Outside of the UK. Lovely, possibly take the van Out of the UK. We've done quite a few trips Around the country. Possibly take it to Europe, france, portugal.
Speaker 2:Nice, do you like roller coaster parks?
Speaker 1:We are like 10 minutes in.
Speaker 3:I can recommend a few sites. Now I just got a stowaway in the van. I thought Hannah was going to like put herself in there.
Speaker 2:I was going to give recommendations. I'm not going to encroach her.
Speaker 3:No, Emily is into it and Sharon, you've offered to take Emily.
Speaker 2:Plopsaland is just on the border of France, easy Channel Tunnel, 30 minutes up the French Highway. I thought it was downstairs and to the right it is downstairs and to the right. That's where the toilet is as well. Yeah, plopsaland.
Speaker 3:Very funny.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Plopsaland is a good one. It's good for families and thrill. Seekers Just thought I'd let you know. Sorry, my resolution for 2025. Seekers Just thought I'd let you know. Sorry, my resolution for 2025. Well, I did say last year it was going to be the year of my diagnosis, but but you didn't set yourself up for failure there, did you?
Speaker 1:I feel like the system failed you.
Speaker 2:The system failed you yeah 2025, let's not set that one, because I think it would depress me. 2025, I Spent more time with me. No, no, I already knew too much. Oh, okay, I see you every fortnight, I know, but it's lovely, is it? Yeah, 2025, I'd quite like to be kinder to myself.
Speaker 1:You looked at me when you said that and I thought you were going to say I'd like to be kinder to you.
Speaker 2:But no, that will never happen. The banterous thing is our thing. Yeah, I'd like to be kinder to myself. Take more of a mindfulness, look at myself and be like, yes, do not put yourself through that, or say no a bit more, or you know.
Speaker 1:What about writing a self-help book?
Speaker 2:Me Self-help book. Self-help book.
Speaker 1:I can't help myself. I can't help anyone else.
Speaker 2:That would be quite funny. I'd read that it would be a funny one, I think. I think I could make it funny, but no, so what let's?
Speaker 1:talk about the podcast, how the podcast we did in 2024.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's just skip then. Yeah, that's fine. Through the script, that's fine. So we had 653 downloads since August 31st to December of 2023 last year, august 31st to December of 2023 last year, so this year, so since the 31st of August 2023, we've gone up to 1.66K.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 2:So we've gained 1,000 downloads.
Speaker 1:Yeah, worldwide as well.
Speaker 3:Worldwide, worldwide. Yeah, what's your biggest, where's your biggest fan base? It's the. Uk. Outside the UK, it's America. Yeah, I need to do better.
Speaker 1:The thing is, I did notice that we have quite a few listens in Poland and I realised it was you when you were in Poland.
Speaker 2:Every time you go. Just Our top listeners' age bracket was 35 to 44, so up Generation X.
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly, Whoop whoop.
Speaker 2:Sorry, millennials, we just weren't good enough. The top episode of 2024 was Family Memories, part 1 with Mums. So we're on again to hopefully boost up a little bit of the numbers. Boost our ratings um so we had an increase of 55 percent of new listeners, yeah, which is incredible. So thank you guys. Um, absolutely good. Oh, we're gonna do this at the end, so, oh well, yeah oh yeah, that's possibly five of my clients.
Speaker 3:I mentioned that I was on, so that's why it probably boosted it up by 50%. Are you fishing for commission? Yeah?
Speaker 2:We don't really have a target, because we do this for fun. We don't really want to set any limits, we don't want to set ourselves up for failure. Basically, maybe we were embodying that all along. Maybe, but yeah, we just do this for fun. So, as much as I'd love to have some downloads, um, as long as we, you know, we'd love to increase our listener base we just do this for fun and we're happy with with the growth that we've received. That's all good.
Speaker 3:Uh, yeah, thank you everyone that listens to us yeah, uh.
Speaker 2:So do we have any exciting plans coming up for the podcast? We, when we done in 2023, we said that we were going to get some more guests on, so I guess that remains yeah, yeah, yeah we've had a couple of weird emails come through, haven't we about guests we have?
Speaker 2:oh, yeah, yeah, we don't know if they're legitimate or not. So if you have reached out to us and wanted to be a guest on the show, can you reach out again, because I wasn't quite sure if you were one of them was a was an author.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they wanted to come and promote their book on our podcast. It's like well, have you actually listened to our?
Speaker 2:podcast. Yeah, because I'm not sure if your book embodies exactly what our podcast is about. So it was just an AI thing, and so sorry if that's not the case.
Speaker 1:But we weren't sure, were we Not 100% sure.
Speaker 2:So if that was you, I'm sorry and please reach out again and we will definitely. We will definitely have you on if that's the case, and then yeah, so we haven't really got any more exciting plans, other than maybe a few more guests. A few more guests, a few more games, a few more games we were talking about potentially doing a D&D style I think yeah, yeah, actually playing D&D play like a one shot the penis.
Speaker 2:That would be quite cool. So, yeah, rather than that, nothing, nothing, just keep on trucking, keep on trucking, keep on trucking. And then a question for the group is uh, just moving away from the podcast, is there anything that we did any of us here, that we did significant in 2024, that you feel is significant to either, um, yourself, uh, the community, et cetera, et cetera. Stunned silence.
Speaker 3:We do not help ourselves or the community. No, I got very passionate listening to your generational podcasts.
Speaker 2:Oh, we talk about our generational differences, your generational?
Speaker 3:differences. Oh, and I was moving between Camp Hannah and Camp Davey.
Speaker 2:Oh, move from Camp Hannah to Camp Davey.
Speaker 3:Well, I was, like you know, back and forth.
Speaker 1:Getting older, Anya. That's why, as the year went on, you got older.
Speaker 3:No, I think it made me reflect, yeah, on my age and that maybe I need some more time with the younger generation.
Speaker 2:I'm happy to help.
Speaker 3:I'm happy to assist in that, yeah. And the one about I'm happy to help. I'm happy to assist in that, yeah, yeah. And the one about food as well, very passionate, that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, maybe we should do one, because when we first recorded food, we were like nah, that's not any good. No one will like this, won't we? That's one of the ones where we were like. Should we put it out there? Should we? Not you really loved it.
Speaker 3:So thank you, I loved it. I think anything invoking emotions in people getting people passionate yeah, we did invoke emotions Push the boundary.
Speaker 2:We did an idea for driving because we were potentially going to bring Benji back on for that one because he's an F1 fan. Yeah, but we can do a little bit of a spin-off. We can do an F1, slightly different one. I know you have less to say. Modern day trafficking.
Speaker 1:Because we do play it quite safe. We do play it quite safe, don't we? We like to keep it light and airy. We have to be careful. To a degree we do, we do, but we could do some more. We could be a little bit more controversial.
Speaker 2:Just a little bit, maybe a little bit. That's our resolution then. But I did ask any exciting plans coming up? No, I didn't. Exciting plans coming up. Uh, no, I didn't. I asked, uh, what we did significant in 2024. So you saying it was the generational podcast and, being inspired by that, mum, anything significant for you in 2024? What from the podcast?
Speaker 3:no, anything, oh gosh, uh passed a few more qualifications, yeah nice yeah my pedal boarding kudos. So, yeah, sort of developed quite a bit of that, didn't you do? Some cleanup jobs I have, yeah, yeah, do you want to?
Speaker 1:talk about that.
Speaker 3:No, because I think you covered that in the last one. So one of the other podcasts. Mum did some cleaning, yeah, and he came with me and helped on the. So we did that, father.
Speaker 1:Donned your rubber gloves. A couple of things. Well, I met my family in America.
Speaker 2:Yes, very cool, Very significant to you Absolutely.
Speaker 1:I agree, and also I got promoted.
Speaker 2:You did, I got promoted. Fantastic Anything for the community this year. I don't do things for the community All for me, all for me. I think my biggest flex of 2024 was completing the 10K. For me that was a massive personal achievement for me, which I've talked about quite a lot on this podcast, because I'm just gonna keep flexing that one. And then also for the community running related. Actually, I also volunteered to clap along. People at the half marathon in norwich as well enjoyed that. So that's my community thing. I just like.
Speaker 3:I like encouraging people yeah, you helped me, I was, was stuck on that. Oh, the Windham 10K yeah, that was good Towards the end. That hit up my side and I saw you Bananas, yeah, and I was like, right, I've got to start running again. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So that was good fun. I enjoyed that Definitely.
Speaker 1:Talking about New Jersey. Sidetrack, indeed, have you seen that thing on the news about all them drones? No, have you not seen that? No, about all these weird drones flying around New Jersey.
Speaker 2:Oh, do you think they're trying to find you?
Speaker 1:No, they think they're aliens.
Speaker 2:Oh, aliens again. Aliens Living in the sea. Do you know what? That was, a thing I wrote down and then I got rid of it because I thought that would be really silly. But do you remember me asking you on the up last time that there was that mal and people? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the big old thing and it never come out in the news what that was ever about.
Speaker 2:It was all over TikTok, it was all over, yeah, all over Facebook videos and people were saying, oh, we saw these massive like massive humanoid creatures and stuff like that. Never heard anything.
Speaker 1:Government cover up conspiracy theory go on TikTok and put in New Jersey drones. Right, I shall, and then you will go straight down a rabbit hole. Okay, what are they called UFOs? They're not called UFOs anymore either, are they not? They're UAPs, uap, what's that sound? Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, oh, phenomena, phenomena, phenomena.
Speaker 2:Do-do-do-do-do-do, phenomena, phenomena. So then I decided to research 10 things that well, no, actually. Well, yeah, 10 things and then 11.
Speaker 1:There's movies You've added some stuff.
Speaker 2:I see what's happened now yeah. Okay, yeah, so we've got some stuff that were really cool. That happened in 2024, globally, globally, globally. So, first of all, we've had breakthroughs in cancer treatment, woo-hoo. So. Medical researchers achieved significant milestones with personalized cancer vaccines showing remarkable success in trials, particularly for melanoma pancreatic cancer, and the innovation offers new hope for patients globally. Woo-hoo, bye cancer, bye cancer.
Speaker 1:Yeah like bye Bye cancer. Yeah, like bye Bye.
Speaker 2:Yeah, global renewable energy milestones. Renewable energy surpassed fossil fuels as the dominant source of electricity in Europe. I think that's fantastic, that's really good.
Speaker 1:It's cool, isn't it? Yeah?
Speaker 2:We're going green. We're going green AI and robotics for accessibility. So more in terms of people that are amputees had more robotic limb situations going on. I'm just glossing over that. There's me like just doing this with my hands, but then realized it was a should we talk about?
Speaker 1:ai for a second should we talk about?
Speaker 2:ai talk about ai because I think there's a lot of things that people say that are wrong about ai yeah when it comes to helping people that may not have the best opportunities in life because of their disability. I think that's where it does come into play, particularly like people who struggle to speak or troubles to read. I think it has its uses.
Speaker 1:I must admit, because you know how I feel about it I'm quite nervous about it.
Speaker 3:You're very nervous. Why are you nervous about it?
Speaker 1:I just don't think we know enough about it. Generally, with scientific breakthroughs and things that we do, I know we test it and we, but I think just with this we might be moving a little bit too quickly and we don't know enough about ai and the dangers that ai presents, and I'm not humans. Right the program no no, no, I'm not it becomes sentient no, well, there is that side of things. There's a whole sky net, but that's a. Now I'm not worried about that. What I'm worried about is how it is abused.
Speaker 2:You're not worried about that?
Speaker 1:Well, a little bit, but what I'm worried about is how it could be abused. So things like deep fakes, things like that video that I sent you with the Like I said before, like the Game of Thrones video where it's all AI None, that song wasn't real, it was all generated by ai. Yeah, so that's where I'm coming from. Which makes me nervous is because people tend to abuse things. So that is because what's not to say that there could now suddenly be a video tomorrow of us doing something horrific to somebody else, and then it's out there and people will believe it yeah, yeah, so I'm totally, I'm worried about yeah, I'm totally with with you on that one and I actually feel, yeah, quite passionate about it.
Speaker 3:I think, inherently, nothing is bad, but people's nature can make it bad. Absolutely. Very well put it is how, then, people use it, and I think there is absolutely a time and place for it where it can help people like cancer treatment or robotics, like can help people move, and things like that and I'd like to see more of those developments. What I absolutely don't want to see is the deepfakes using it for like For nefarious purposes.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and it's like come on, we don't need a fridge, that will do the shopping for me. Oh no, I've run out of milk.
Speaker 1:It's just got this image now of this fridge, walking down the street with shopping bags hanging off of it, or like a mall in Tlaloc, that's true, or like. Zanussi.
Speaker 3:Hotpoint. Oh clunk, that's true. Or like Zanussi, hot point or like an Indesit, okay, you know, unless Just feet of fridges walking down the street, you know, with little wigs on. Sorry, anya, sorry, we've gone really off beat now, you know, unless that is to help people in some difficult situations, disabilities and stuff like that, it has a talent place, yeah, but all these you know all to just edit pictures more cleverly, to with what intent?
Speaker 1:right. What's the intent behind it exactly?
Speaker 2:these are the I think it's a help people yeah, and I think that's the difference in creative purposes as well. It's kind of like oh, that wasn't really your own work, and it's almost that credibility side of things as well yeah I mean we do use ai to help sometimes write a couple of points in the podcast yeah, we do um, and things like that, and obtain information for the podcast.
Speaker 2:But when we actually talk now and here, it's all from our own heads, like we've come up with that on the spot, um, but we use it, I guess, to generate some scripts sometimes um get some information that we wouldn't be able to readily get. Uh, yeah, for quickness, actually laziness, it's laziness.
Speaker 3:It's convenient, it's convenient also, I think, as long as you are up front about it. We're quite upfront about that, that's no secret. You know where, where ai was used to facilitate a process. Yes, yeah, or you know whatever. I think the worst is and I've had conversations something about my parking at Stansted Airport one time and various conversations where you're trying to get a customer service whereas I genuinely don't know if I'm talking to a human or not, yeah, that's the scary thing, isn't it?
Speaker 3:And I don't mind, you know, talking to a process, ai or whatever, as long as I know, yeah, and I think it's that lack of transparency.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I agree with that yeah, you had this the other day, didn't you? When you were talking to someone and I said to you is that AI?
Speaker 3:And I said no, it's taking too long to respond. That is someone actually typing on a keyboard, because if it's ai, I think they simulate that. Yeah, I think they do, yeah, yeah, this one actually got my humor and don't say, oh, it's becoming sentient, but no, she did get my humor so she or it I think it goes back to one, being transparent about when ai is being used and, two, what's the intent behind it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, agreed, yeah for sure, because just going back to the Jersey drones, when you actually come on TikTok you can't. I mean, it's got to the point now where you don't know what's real, because loads of other people are uploading videos and you can actually see at the bottom it says AI generated. Yeah, and you've got other people in the comments thinking it's real.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So it gets to the point where you don't actually know what is true and what is not. It's very Orwellian, all very 1984 from that side of things, like what is the truth? You just don't know anymore. That's my worry with AI. I think it's an excellent tool, but it can be abused, and that's what worries me Absolutely can be abused and that's what worries me.
Speaker 2:Absolutely so. We talked about AI and helping with sort of the medical side of things, but also on the medical front, it was the first successful organ transplant from a 3D printed tissues was this year, which is quite cool. Then, on to lesser nice times, the assassination attempt on Trump came up on all of my searches. There was a couple, wasn't, there Was there a couple of us I think there was two. I think there was two, a Spanish, no, someone took a shot with a.
Speaker 1:He got shot in the ear, didn't? He, yeah he got shot in the ear, although even that, you know, was that a conspiracy? There was conspiracies around that, saying that they thought he squirted ketchup in his ear. Oh, when he went down. Yeah, there was loads of stuff about it.
Speaker 2:No one did get arrested for it, though, right.
Speaker 1:No, he got shot. He got shot, he got shot. Yeah, he got shot.
Speaker 3:And sanitary towels went up.
Speaker 1:Sorry.
Speaker 3:Sanitary towels, the stocks and shares on that, because everyone started to wear sanitary towels on their ears.
Speaker 2:Because they think that would be defensive against a bullet?
Speaker 3:No, it'll just soak up the blood. Oh, you mean, as in solidarity, fun For Trump being shot? Did you not see all of that?
Speaker 2:One of the massive things that came up in my research was a cultural event and it was Taylor Swift's Ears tour. It was like the top billing thing. Whenever I was searching, it was Trump or Swift. So I was like, okay, that was a Swift Trump. It was a Swift Trump. Of course you have some of those after your sprouts, don't you Swift Trumps? So yes, and she was the top artist on Spotify as well, so I thought I'd mention that. So well done, swifties.
Speaker 1:Wasn't there a problem with one of her concerts?
Speaker 2:Didn't someone get arrested?
Speaker 1:or something.
Speaker 2:No, she had to cancel one of her shows. I can't remember what country it was, but they were singing all down the streets Swift songs. Yeah, there was a bit of controversy there, but I don't know enough information about it to talk about it.
Speaker 1:I don't know. There was something about one concert where that had to be cancelled because someone got arrested in Amsterdam.
Speaker 2:Wasn't that Nicki Minaj?
Speaker 1:Was that Nicki Minaj?
Speaker 2:She got arrested in Amsterdam for taking weed over the board.
Speaker 1:Oh did she, she did.
Speaker 2:Yes, nicki Minaj did All right, that's nothing to do with Swift.
Speaker 3:Not to my knowledge anyway, oh right, okay, I don't think.
Speaker 2:Swift told her to do it.
Speaker 3:To be fair. Like you know, it is legalized in some state.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Because we got told we could take it home in gummies.
Speaker 1:And I went no, you can't. That was so funny. So we were in New Jersey and I went to buy a vape from a vape shop and I was looking at these vapes and I was like, oh, I'll have that one there. And the guy behind the counter said, oh, do you want some gummies with that? I was like he said well, they're the weed ones, they're not the nicotine ones. But the other side, right. So I nearly bought a weed vape. I mean that would have been quite funny. It would have been quite funny if I'd have walked out and not realised yeah, not realised Self-spiking. It was only the fact that he said do you want some? Were they like half-priced gummies? I don't know. It terrified me.
Speaker 3:It wasn't my driving, because Robin and Jorge will absolutely verify that my driving. They loved my driving, but he was really, really.
Speaker 2:The thing is, I can imagine it and it makes me funny, makes me funny, makes me funny, makes me laugh, makes me funny. Another event McDonald's ran out of hot chocolate syrup for a whole month, and you know what I was devastated you. Another event McDonald's ran out of hot chocolate syrup for a whole month, and do you know what I was devastated. You were not happy were you.
Speaker 1:You weren't happy, and that is a cultural event of 2020. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I remember that morning, when you were really kicking off about that, I was, and then, lo and behold, the next time I went for McDonald's, no hot chocolate again, and I was on a trip 9am in the morning. What's that about Good morning? So global efforts, we eradicated a disease.
Speaker 1:Woo, I didn't know about this one. I saw this yeah.
Speaker 2:The eradication of guinea worm disease, a painful parasite infection, thanks to decades-long global health initiatives. So well done, woo-hoo.
Speaker 1:But they are which is the World Health. Organization. Certain parts of the world are also defrosting and they're finding other parasites and other worms that have been we don't talk about that.
Speaker 2:We're on the positives for that one Frozen in the ice for thousands of years.
Speaker 1:Frozen worms. Yes, leave them alone. Yeah, leave them alone. It's like when somebody goes and opens up a crypt that hasn't been opened up for thousands of years, and then they find a box inside Like leave it alone, don't open it, don't open it. We've all seen this film. Yeah, we all know how this ends. Yeah, leave it alone.
Speaker 2:They will be cursed, cursed For eternity, mm-hmm, and then they'll finally develop that thing to make shoes smell nice, what, what. So there was a group of people, people that would definitely get that reference. I was referencing Holes with Just do it.
Speaker 1:Sheila Buff.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I hadn't seen that film for years.
Speaker 2:Because he carried Mazzone up the hill.
Speaker 1:That's right he did. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:And the curse was lifted.
Speaker 1:It was indeed yeah.
Speaker 2:Great film. It's not ending on an ice bomb. We've got some natural disasters, unfortunately, so we've got Hurricane Helen caused significant devastation in North Carolina yeah, rooters, photographers, that's how you say it documenting storms, impact Floods in Spain and, of course, storm Dara very recently blew down the fence.
Speaker 1:We will rebuild. We did get hit by a few storms. Yeah, a few storms, didn't we? Yeah, did you see the there was? There was one image on uh, I think it's on facebook, and it showed the whole of london where the storm was going to be hitting, and just the, uh, the outside. Yeah, it was just winchester, winchester, yeah winchester was always safe.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but let's face, it doesn't take much to blow down our fence. We're all new builds aren't we?
Speaker 2:So we're like oh.
Speaker 1:We all see our houses waving in the wind. Yeah, who's?
Speaker 2:going to go first. There was a few devastating floods in the UK, but the Spanish floods in particular, I think, took the risk on that one one.
Speaker 1:so yeah, yeah, we are quite lucky we are. I had this conversation with your mum and I know it's quite weird because I sometimes say that to you, but today she's actually right next to me, hello. But we had this conversation last night, didn't we, sharon, about the tsunami.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we watched La Palma. Yes, I watched it the other day, very, very good, very good.
Speaker 1:The thing is, though, what annoyed me a little bit was because Netflix kind of automatically thought that we'd want to watch it dubbed in English.
Speaker 1:I didn't get yeah, so we had to. Every time we went to watch it I had to go in and actually put it back into Norwegian because it was. You know you can see it and you're just like something's not right about this, something's off, and then I realized it's dubbed, so but put it back into. But a lot of it's in english anyway, because they switched between spanish, norwegian and english throughout the whole thing okay, okay so you know it's, but it was brilliant.
Speaker 1:But what was he saying about the tsunami? Because it was a about a tsunami in the canary islands, yes, and we said we're actually quite lucky in england because we wouldn't really get hit by a tsunami, because the water around where we are, the land, the landmass, is too close for tsunami to actually really do us any devastation. Although I think if it would imagine if our island, if the uk, was in the middle of the atlantic ocean and a tsunami came, it would probably wipe us out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but and if they, if they built a raft or some sort of thing to help all I don't know the UK citizens, get on board, we would be called Boaty McBoatface, let's be honest. So, yeah, we wouldn't have a very good name for our saviour capsule. Boaty, mcboatface it would just be something stupid like that, wouldn't it? Let's be honest.
Speaker 1:I mean, that is the one thing we are good.
Speaker 2:Oh, I thought you meant naming things, because I would disagree.
Speaker 1:No, our humour is very, very good. We do have a certain British way of sarcasm irony, which is very, very good. I guess we do yeah.
Speaker 2:So I decided to research the top grossing movies of 2024. To my surprise, the top one was actually Inside Out 2. I haven't seen it. Have you seen it? No, not seen it. It's on Disney Plus. You can seen it. Have you seen it? No, not seen it. It's on Disney Plus, you can see it. Didn't you go to the cinema to see that? No, I watched it on Disney Plus, did you? Yeah, I thought you said you were going to take some. I think we oh no, mitchell and I would have gone without a child.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I thought you said you were going to take Esme or something, end up doing so and ended up watching it on.
Speaker 2:Disney Plus. It was good. Yeah, that's a lot of money at 1.69 billion. It did well. Second came in was Deadpool and Wolverine brilliant film.
Speaker 3:I haven't actually watched it. I want to watch it on Netflix, but Rob says it's violent and very crude because it's Deadpool. I just thought watch it for the humour. But it is the humour.
Speaker 1:But it is the humour.
Speaker 2:It'll be on Disney+ yeah.
Speaker 3:I know it's on Funny violent.
Speaker 1:It's funny, violent yeah.
Speaker 2:But even the opening scene. Did you take Emily to see Inside Out? 2 at all.
Speaker 3:No, we went to see the Wicked. Oh yes, that's on the list, I can see it's on your list and I thought it was awful. Oh, you didn't like it. Three hours, the most awful film. A lot of people say it's really good. Nothing happens there and there is a lot of screeching, singing oh, okay, so take your earplugs with you, okay, and blindfolds. It's all just a marketing stunt. Ariana Grande yeah, and she only has one facial expression throughout the film.
Speaker 2:So for our audio listeners, and you, just, kind of like, looked helplessly at the ceiling. What about?
Speaker 3:Moana, emily loved it, oh of course. That's the main thing, isn't it? Just enjoyed the comfy reclining seats? Yeah, and the idea, yeah and the idea of three hours yeah. No, you can't sleep because it's so high-pitched. Sounds like how Deafly Hallows Part 1 was for me.
Speaker 2:Yeah you weren't keen, I slept through that. Did you take Ellie to see Despicable Me 4? No, no, no.
Speaker 3:I loved the first couple of them.
Speaker 2:It's getting a bit much. Now. I haven't seen it either. Moana 2 is on the list. Apparently that is a movie for siblings that have a large age gap, which is quite sweet. So it's being a bit more inclusive.
Speaker 3:So that would be good for you and Davey then.
Speaker 2:What siblings with a large age gap? It's a bit odd. But okay, we're in Flex.
Speaker 1:But okay, oh, I see, I see. Actually I've got a large age gap with my siblings.
Speaker 2:Yeah, maybe you'll enjoy the movie. And then June, part 2. Loved June, the first one.
Speaker 1:Loved.
Speaker 2:June Part 2 as well. Excellent cinematically.
Speaker 1:I had a real regret with June, part 2. What I didn't get to see it at the cinema. Oh yeah, it's one of those films that is. That's a hard regret yeah cinematically. That's a cinema one. It's beautiful and yeah.
Speaker 2:Beautiful film Godzilla and Kong. Anyone watch that one.
Speaker 1:I didn't even know this was a film.
Speaker 2:No, me neither, but it did very well. It did very well 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6th grossing top film of 2024, apparently in terms of money. Then Kung Fu Panda 4, another Jack Black rerun there's very lot of children, basically. And then Wicked came in. Yolo now, wasn't that? I don't know what YOLO was, no idea what it is. I mean, obviously, you Only Live Once must be the yeah, I don't know. I don't know what the film is, then it was Venom Last Dance yeah, I want to see that.
Speaker 1:I haven't seen it yet, I do want to see it.
Speaker 2:I haven't seen, I haven't seen any of the Venoms there you are, sony, then do you want to talk about Heretic again or no? We've covered it in the last one and it was good. Yeah, he liked it.
Speaker 3:yeah, he liked it. I think Hugh Grant has sort of come back to me as a good actor because he lost it for a bit. He was very much the Notting Hill.
Speaker 1:Bumbling Englishman, wasn't he?
Speaker 3:Yeah, which I think really suited him. I loved him in Love Actually with his dance. I was going to say his dance is in Love.
Speaker 2:Actually, I watched it this Christmas.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I loved it, I think, yeah. So all his filmography yeah, yeah. So he clearly wanted to break away from that portrayal he did in the Gentleman as well, though he was in that film too yeah so he then did a few of those, yeah, and some of them having a terrible American accent and I could not watch them because of that. So he's really redeemed himself in no Heretic it was a brilliant film, yeah.
Speaker 2:I'll try and watch it it is on Amazon Prime.
Speaker 1:Well, it's not on Amazon Prime, but you can. You can now watch it at home you can rent it it's not on Prime. I got that wrong. So I said in the last one I thought it was coming on Prime, but it's not on Prime.
Speaker 2:But it's accessible, it's accessible on Amazon.
Speaker 1:Yeah, watch it. Yes.
Speaker 2:Well, that brings our podcast episode to the end, and to the end of 2024. So I just want to say again thank you to all of our listeners. You've made our hearts swell with gratitude. That was really cheesy. That was really cheesy. Where did that come from? I'm like a whole muck card me today.
Speaker 1:We do need to actually get. Actually, that's one of the resolutions we'll make for this year. What's that? We need to get an outro, a proper outro.
Speaker 2:A proper outro, because I just fumble it every single time if you never want to do it. Yeah, yeah, maybe we should do an.
Speaker 1:Record a proper outro. Record a proper one.
Speaker 2:So thank you very much to all of our listeners and thank you to Mum and Anya for joining us today. See you in no, no, it will be 2025. Well, see you in this year.
Speaker 1:See you later in the year.
Speaker 2:See you later, bye, bye. Outro Music.