Bonus Dad Bonus Daughter

A Week in the life of BDBD, from Meerkat Teddies to Rubber Man

Bonus Dad Bonus Daughter

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Ever wondered what it’s like to become an accidental "meerkat delivery service"? Join us for a week packed with laughter and unexpected moments as Hannah recounts the hilarity of transporting a box of meerkat teddies belted into her car. From indulging in a lazy Saturday morning with Frosties in bed to the cheeky debates over the origins of "cheeky Nando's," our weekend adventures are anything but boring.

In this episode, we sprinkle heartfelt moments throughout our amusing tales. Hear the joy in my voice as I describe holding my newborn niece for the first time, contrasted with the humor of our everyday activities like video gaming and the quest for the perfect office feng shui. There's a delightful mix of personal anecdotes, from movie reviews to wine-filled evenings and reunions with old friends at the pub.

We cap the episode with reflections on the quirks of daily life and the surprises social media trends bring into our routines. Listen as we celebrate family milestones, including a wedding anniversary. Tune in and enjoy a humorous, heartfelt, and absolutely relatable glimpse into our lives.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Bonus Dad. Bonus Daughter a special father-daughter podcast with me Hannah and me, davie, where we discuss our differences, similarities, share a few laughs and stories within our ever-changing and complex world, Each week we will discuss a topic from our own point of view and influences throughout the decades or you could choose one by contacting us via email, instagram, facebook or TikTok links in bio.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Bonus Dad, bonus Daughter. Today we are doing something very special. We normally do a life update. Everyone is familiar with a life update.

Speaker 1:

Which we still haven't got a theme tune for.

Speaker 2:

No Dream Eaters. Have you contacted them? No, I haven't.

Speaker 1:

I must admit I keep forgetting. I'm terrible, I'm awful, sorry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's true. I'm not going to even defend yourself.

Speaker 1:

No, I promise I will contact them this week. I'll send them a message. Make sure that you do I will, I promise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So anyway, this episode we decided, rather than doing a life update, and we just give a little segment at the start of when we when we start recording because, as we mentioned before, we tend to record like three episodes in one shot. We are actually going to cover with you a week in the life of hannah and davey. We are going to talk about the last week that we just had in our lives, so this is hot off the press yeah, very recent.

Speaker 1:

this was, this was your idea, and when you came up with this, I was like, like I really like the idea of it, but my life is boring. Yes, so we're going to see how this one goes.

Speaker 2:

We compared notes as we had our McDonald's breakfast this morning, turns out I wrote down a lot more. Yeah, you did by day. Yeah, and Father just has a list of things and we'll come to it. Just one word as well.

Speaker 2:

I literally just saw one word on there it was wine and I thought, okay, that's the sort of week he was having. So I don't, I'm not really sure how this is going to turn out, to be honest, but I thought it'd be fun to give you guys an insight into our daily lives, because podcasting is a is a is a side hustle for us, not even a hustle. We don't earn any money from this. We actually lose money doing this podcast, but we we just do it as fun, as we have said multiple times in the past. So we thought we'd give you like a week in the life of Hannah and Davy, bonus dad, bonus daughter. And yeah, I got the idea because we actually spent Saturday together. So we'll talk about that.

Speaker 1:

So shall we start, with Saturday being the start of the week in the life of.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh OK.

Speaker 2:

Because I want to share what happened to me on Friday. Oh, okay, okay, yeah, okay. Well, what happened to me on Friday last week was I had the weirdest opportunity to help out a colleague at work right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I was helping myself out, so it was a self-help slash, colleague help. But basically just a really funny moment of my life happened and I just wanted to share it on air because I just thought it's just hilarious. And I came out of the colleague call just absolutely chuckling to myself as I came down the stairs and Michelle was like what are you giggling about? Because I was like so anyway, on Friday I picked up a new laptop because my laptop is rubbish. So I picked up a new laptop for work from a colleague. It was her old laptop, yada, yada. Long story short, she is currently in the midst of kind of like renovating her house and she found a load of these meerkats, as in like compare the market meerkats.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I forgot about this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And she found a load of these meerkats and then put into the work chat. There's like 25 of us in the company. And she put into the work chat oh, would anybody like these meerkats? And one of my colleagues did. As I was going to hers she said do you want to pick up these meerkats? So I thought, well, you know, I thought it would be like you know one or two me a box of these meerkats, all different ones as well, no repeats.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but can we just ascertain at this point were they real meerkats?

Speaker 2:

They were not real meerkats, they were teddies.

Speaker 1:

When you first told me this story, I thought they were real meerkats.

Speaker 2:

I am the meerkat delivery service. Yeah, so my colleague, very sweetly, was getting them for his niece. It was a very cute thing and I said, look, do you want me to pick up these meerkats? So I spent my Friday, my working day, on Friday, and it was in work time, so technically I got paid for this to pick up some meerkats and take them to the gym where I would meet my colleague to hand over the meerkats.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So we played a little bit of a prank on him Not like a harmless prank, I'd say. So the first prank was that my colleague had addressed the box like it was a shipping crate of animals. So she put all of this like paper on it saying like meerkat delivery service on it and things like that, and she put like almost like it was a bit of newspaper that you'd been scribbled on, saying meerkats inside situation, like handle with care. And then I thought it'd be funny for his niece mainly to put them in my car and actually belt them in. So I seat belted all of these meerkats in my car and drove all the way from, uh, I can't remember where she lives upton, to like central norwich with all these meerkats. Had I'd been pulled over I would have looked like the craziest woman ever, um. So yeah, and the meerkats were safely delivered to their, their new home and, uh, I took some pictures of them which I will probably share on socials talking about having things in the car.

Speaker 1:

So your mum did something. Well, she did a few years ago now where, because your mum is a hairdresser she is, she is and has been for many years, and she has been for many years and she had some of those heads with wigs on and she left them in my car and I didn't know that they were there, you scared the shit out of me.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. I got in my car, I sat in, I turned the ignition, I went to look back to reverse and there in the back seat were three heads with these wigs on. I was like like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

I bet they were low in the seat as well, so they looked like children yeah they were just heads. They looked like decapitated heads sitting in the back of the car. Are they like the white polystyrene model? Yeah, that's what I thought they would be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so they looked like white walkers at this point, but I did not expect to see three decapitated heads in the back seat of the car. All stood up nicely, and I think one was blonde, one was a brunette and one was a redhead as well.

Speaker 2:

Oh right, so you had the Charlie's Angels golden trio. It was like the.

Speaker 1:

Brides of Dracula sitting in the back of the car. Jesus Funny, so that was Friday.

Speaker 2:

So that was Friday. So it was Friday, that was.

Speaker 1:

Friday, so it wasn't Meerkat Wednesdays.

Speaker 2:

No, it was Meerkat Fridays. Meerkat Friday, yeah, yeah, that was fun.

Speaker 1:

So Saturday what did we do Saturday, hannah?

Speaker 2:

Well, I started off my day. My husband's away was away on Saturday, so I regressed into teenager-hood. Because I woke up late, because I was supposed to go for a park run, but my shins are buggered from the 10k run. Insert R's here. Yeah, my shins are a bit buggered from running, so I binned off my Saturday run, had a lay-in and ate cereal in bed, did you really? Yeah, bowl of Frosties in bed. Bowl of Frosties in bed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, with my laptop I felt like a right teenager.

Speaker 2:

I had Disney Plus on my laptop in bed. Did you really? Yeah, bowl of Frosties in bed. Bowl of Frosties in bed, yeah, with my laptop. I felt like a right teenager.

Speaker 1:

I had like Disney Plus on my laptop in bed. You used to eat sorry, you used to eat a lot in bed.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I was allowed to. I don't think you allowed me.

Speaker 1:

I think you used to sneak stuff up there.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I genuinely do not remember eating in bed that often because I didn't like the crumbs and stuff. Now I couldn't give a toss, but at the time. Yeah, no, I don't think I ever ate in bed that much. You never allowed me to, which is fine.

Speaker 1:

What a horrible dad I was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then Saturday should I share this on air? I suppose I should.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, why not Share it on?

Speaker 2:

air, I had a bra fitting. I got fondled um and uh and uh, and a bra fitted. So now I I'm well, uh, supported in more ways than one. I also then, um, bought a couple of um funky bits from the shop, uh, including a small ghost look at all of her halloween celebrations yeah, it was fiverr in sainsbury's it was this delightful little cute ghost, and I just couldn't resist him.

Speaker 2:

Nice, he was cute, and then, of course, we hung out Saturday night. What did you do Saturday morning, though? Did you have any notes for Saturday morning?

Speaker 1:

So no, not really. Did you eat cereal in bed? No, I didn't, because your mum was away this weekend. Oh yeah, we're both of our. Yeah, so Mitchell was away and your mum was in Cromer. So on Saturday I went out. I went shopping for a canvas actually.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you went shopping in the city before me.

Speaker 1:

I did, yeah, but it was diabolical. I couldn't find anything I liked, and you know what? This is a little bit naughty as well, because there was one picture that I wanted, a canvas that I wanted to get. It was a guy surfing and the picture was amazing. It had a really nice sunset against the really clear blue water.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I really liked that picture. But I'll be honest, I'm not paying £15 for the picture and then paying £20 delivery.

Speaker 1:

Ah so what I did is I thought, well, I'll go into the city, I'll have a little look to see if I can get one. And I even and this is very naughty, I thought got to the point where I was like I cannot find anything that looks really good. Do you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna go to one of those picture places. I'm gonna screenshot this and see if I can oh, that's annoying yeah, but guess what?

Speaker 1:

what? So the person on Amazon had done it. They'd done it at a weird angle, so you couldn't do it. I thought ah, you clever devil, you clever devil. So so, yeah, I went home empty handed.

Speaker 2:

As you should have done, because that is not right.

Speaker 1:

I know it's a little bit naughty, but A little.

Speaker 2:

it's a lot naughty it's a lot naughty it's a lot naughty.

Speaker 1:

How could you? But then I went home, I played on the PlayStation. Surprise, surprise, and then about half four I got ready and I came and got you. Yes, I came and picked you up.

Speaker 2:

Because we went for cheeky Nando's, cheeky Nando's with the lads Do you know what?

Speaker 1:

What makes a Nando's cheeky? What is it? Why do people say that? What is it?

Speaker 2:

It was a phrase I know.

Speaker 1:

Back in Oi. Oi, let's go for a cheeky Nando's Che. I don't know why that accent started.

Speaker 2:

We went for a cheeky Nando's. What did you have?

Speaker 1:

I don't know why I did that with my elbows as well. I'm going to go for a cheeky Nando's.

Speaker 2:

It's like you're trying to be Dick Van Dyke.

Speaker 1:

I know it's almost like yeah, mary Poppins coming out. Cripes Mary Poppins. It's a really bad Cockney, yeah, really bad Corks, and chicken and those.

Speaker 2:

You can stop doing that.

Speaker 1:

All right okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

so what did you have from Nando's?

Speaker 1:

I had peri-peri chicken, the hot one. Oh, I had some of that I think everyone has peri-peri chicken.

Speaker 2:

What did you specifically have from Nando's?

Speaker 1:

I had the chilli jam halloumi.

Speaker 2:

You, did you did. That was amazing Butterfly chicken.

Speaker 1:

both of us didn't we, oh, we did, oh sorry, the cut of chicken, the cut of chicken, the cut of chicken, we both had butterfly, I had medium, you had hot and found it too hot. Yeah, it was proper hot.

Speaker 2:

Really Like yeah, okay, I had medium, because I'm a wimp, I like spice. But on Nando's I like the mead, the Ned spice, spice. I like the lemon and herb sauce with my chippies you did.

Speaker 1:

I went and got you some more lemon and herb sauce as well, yeah, yeah, and I like, I like piri salted fries. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're better.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I have a bit of a cheeky Nando's and I have steamed broccoli sometimes.

Speaker 1:

But did you not say that the Nando's you went in? We won't name the specific Nando's, but you said they were a bit stinty with the old peri-peri salt. Oh with the salt, yeah With the salt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah they weren't very.

Speaker 2:

They were lightly dusted.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, lightly dusted.

Speaker 2:

As opposed to covered. Yeah, which is fine, but A fine sprinkling, a smattering, a smattering, a smattering, I love that word. And then we had bottom Fat, fat Coke, because I love fat Coke. And then we went to a gig.

Speaker 1:

We did. We went to the waterfront Sweaty. It was incredibly sweaty.

Speaker 2:

It was quite warm last Saturday.

Speaker 1:

It was really warm it was really warm. So, yes, we went to Youth, killed it. We did. So, yeah, we went to Youth Killed.

Speaker 2:

It Pop a London geezer. Maybe that's why you went for that accent.

Speaker 1:

What? Because of Jack. Yeah, yeah, accent what?

Speaker 2:

because of jack. Yeah, yeah, you were channeling, I was channeling my inner jack. Yeah, I liked. Although they don't do any covers normally, I did like the fact that they covered song two by I know, yeah, yeah but I was dancing, god, my shins were hurting, yeah so youth kill that are an amazing band.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't heard them, they are local to norfolk, but uh, they are. They're fairly big. Yeah, they are fairly big. Uh, we've we've had mammals played them a few times and they are really good friends of ours and they are awesome. So you got Jack, danny, paul and, uh, joel, joel, joel, my boy, joel.

Speaker 2:

Your boy.

Speaker 1:

I love Joel.

Speaker 2:

Your boy.

Speaker 1:

I, um, I would love to repeat on air what he texted me a couple of weeks ago, but I just can't do it because about Joe? Ah okay, yeah, I'm not going to say that one, but let's just say I was laughing for about 10 minutes because of that message. I love Joel. He's just so funny.

Speaker 2:

For the first time in my life and I can't believe I'm saying this, but for the first time in my life I went home from a gig. Instead of being a little bit buzzed or being like because I didn't have any alcohol or anything like that, I went home and had a shower and I was in bed with my wet hair, like waiting for it to dry, and I thought, bugger it this, I'll just blast it dry. So I ended up blasting it dry and then couldn't sleep for ages so I could have just let it air dry. But yeah, that's the first time in my life I think I've ever had to shower after a gig because I was that soggy from dancing.

Speaker 1:

It was a sellout. It was a sellout, it was a sellout.

Speaker 2:

Blimey, was that hot in there and it was really, really hot it was a hot day and I think, because it's upstairs in that particular venue as well, it gets quite hot up there.

Speaker 1:

It was. I mean, I looked at when Joel, because obviously Joel's a drummer- yeah, and. Joel came off stage and we went out and gave him a hug and he was just absolutely dripping. Yeah, absolutely dripping with sweat. But what I liked as well about that gig is that there was twice where a mosh pit occurred. Yeah, and each time Jack saw it happening and said to the people in the mosh pit look after each other. Yeah yeah, he clocked it straight away and that was really good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mid-song. Anyone on the floor, pick them up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

There's an etiquette.

Speaker 1:

There was an etiquette Mosh pit etiquette.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't look like there would be an etiquette but there is an etiquette?

Speaker 1:

There is, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Shout out, I think, is yeah, we saw Ellie. Yeah, we saw Ellie and Simon. Ellie is a good friend of mine. We went to school together. We've known each other since we were four. Yeah, long time, long time. Haven't seen her in a while, which is totally my fault.

Speaker 1:

And Ellie listens to this podcast as well, and she does.

Speaker 2:

That's why I thought it was a good shout out. So, hi, ellie, and yeah, I hope you're enjoying this podcast in particular that.

Speaker 1:

And her boyfriend Simon, who is also another amazing musician. So yeah, he is. I mean, he plays lots of instruments, he's a guitarist, he's a keyboardist. The boy can sing as well. The boy can sing. The boy can sing as well. I mean, he's in bands. Kingdom Keys.

Speaker 2:

The boy can play he is.

Speaker 1:

He's a brilliant musician. So, yeah, it was really lovely to bump into Simon, but, again, he's a brilliant musician. So, yeah, it was really lovely to bump into Simon. But again, even that, even their kind of how they met, yeah, so, like you know, ellie's friends with you and Simon's friends with me and you know, did we bring them together? No, we didn't. No, because that was really funny. I know, yeah, because when I went into, ellie was having a hair done at ours and I walked in and your mum said, oh, ellie's seeing someone from Kingdom Keys, can?

Speaker 2:

you guess which one it is? No, it's Simon Straight away.

Speaker 1:

Simon yeah, it would be, simon Cute. We did actually say as well. We did say to Ellie and Simon that we wanted to get them on the show. Yes, because it would be really funny with Simon's immense musical knowledge and Ellie's lack of musical knowledge would be really funny.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it would be very funny. If they are up for it, we would love to have you. So I guess, moving on to Sunday, yeah, what did you do Sunday, hannah? I've done a few creative bits at home. I'm studying a mental health course at the moment, so I'm just trying to get that sorted and get my assignments in on that at the moment. So I'm, um, just trying to get that sorted and get get my assignments in on that at the moment. So I've done a few creative bits, done a bit of studying. I've done something really exciting on sunday go on.

Speaker 1:

What did you do I?

Speaker 2:

uh, held my niece for the first time you did indeed, didn't you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, she was three days old okay, so let's just establish that that was newborn baby.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not like, yeah, yeah um, so yeah, she, she was born, born the week prior yes, congratulations to Mitchell's brother, thank you no, not congratulations to you. I was like it's because everyone has been saying congratulations to me for becoming like an auntie but congratulations to them absolutely but also. I'm so used to going thank you on their behalf that I'm like sorry. Yeah, congratulations to them. I don't think they listen to the podcast, but congratulations to them, and do they not?

Speaker 2:

I don't believe so they need to have words nah, they've got their, they've got a newborn, they've got shit going on well, they could, the newborn, they could put this on at night and they could soothe the baby, I just think we're very soothing, do you not?

Speaker 2:

no, I don't think we are and then you suddenly soothing baby, newborn babies, anyway, yeah, so I held my niece, held my niece for the first time. That was really cool. But yeah, lots of people saying congratulations to me, which I'm like, thanks, I didn't do anything but thanks, but yeah, it's very exciting, very exciting me Sunday did you hold a newborn baby?

Speaker 1:

I did not hold a newborn baby. No congratulations, I think Sunday I stormed Leicestershire.

Speaker 2:

That has never stopped a conversation before. What do you mean? You stormed Leicestershire Did you go to Leicestershire?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, because I'd finished playing Ghost of Tsushima and I started replaying Valhalla, ac, valhalla, right yeah, assassin's Creed. So I think Sunday I was at Leicestershire and I think I stormed Leicestershire on Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you just angered the ghosts of the studio.

Speaker 1:

I know, I just looked up and the lights all flickered. Yeah, so I think Leicestershire was Sunday. Okay, oxfordshire, I think, was more kind of Wednesday.

Speaker 2:

So an eventful.

Speaker 1:

Sunday for you. I just sat there playing the PlayStation, although I did do my ironing on Sunday night. Oh fun, yeah, ready for work. What a life you lead, yeah. So Sunday was AC Valhalla and ironing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I knew my side was going to be really boring.

Speaker 2:

I was like I have my new news for the last time. I was ironing.

Speaker 1:

I have got a couple of good events though.

Speaker 2:

Monday. Oh, actually he's discovered he has a life.

Speaker 1:

I watched the new Bad Boys film, did you? I did Thoughts, I really liked it.

Speaker 2:

You liked it, I did.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not going to spoil it for anybody, but there was one particular character that's been in all of the Bad Boys films, one particular character that's been in all of the bad boy films, will smith, no, no, no, this is like a side character who's only ever really been into in in the background.

Speaker 1:

But in this particular film he comes into his own, okay, and he's actually becomes like one of the main characters and I really liked that and I liked what they did with his character. I'm not going to say any more than that, but I, yeah, I actually really enjoyed it, because I've gone off Will Smith a little bit ever since the Will Smith Chris Rock thing.

Speaker 2:

Well, I was going to say we can't really mention his wife.

Speaker 1:

I kind of went off him because of that. But, I did like the Bad Boys films.

Speaker 2:

That was a bit of an overreaction, wasn't it? It?

Speaker 1:

really was yeah. So I thought I'm going to kind of get over that prejudice a little bit. I'm going to watch the film and just watch the film and not think it's will smith in it and not have that kind of and I'll be honest, I actually really enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

Good, I really enjoyed it. Yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

It's not on my list yeah, and then I had some wine as well. I think, oh, okay, yeah wine.

Speaker 2:

That's where the wine came in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah uh, monday, that's not just where the wine came in the wine is a staple throughout the week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, monday.

Speaker 1:

Monday was work.

Speaker 2:

Work for me as well. Oh, my work has just picked up recently, so so busy. But I actually had the pleasure of seeing my ex-colleagues on Monday after work at the pub. That was really really nice to see them again, see my old team, see how they're doing. And because Mitchell was away, I got home from that and then cooked some nice chicken goujons and chips Very beige meal that I often cook when he's away because he's the cook in our house, do you have sauce with chicken goujons. I didn't.

Speaker 1:

You didn't, because that seems very dry. Yeah, I mean it's air fried, so it's not like they're oven dried, yeah, but you've still got some of that chilli jam from Nando's, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I had a beige meal, beige basic meal, and then I'm pretty certain I couldn't sleep that night. Insomnia has hit. This week Insomnia has been so bad. But yeah, that was my Monday, was yours just work?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was mainly work, Although at work I did take some plants in because I've redes was my Monday. What Was yours? Just work? Yeah, it was mainly work, although at work I did take some plants in because I redesigned my office.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, because that's what you're looking for the canvas. For right, that's what I was looking for the canvas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had a little play around because my office was a little bit. I'm not very fungish way.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

I just looked at it and I thought actually that looks alright. So he was doing one office and then I was doing my office and then I thought actually I could do with a couple of plants in here and just give it a little bit of look at you, gokwan, I know. I was quite. I was called. I got with my colleague the other day. I said Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen. That was the highlight, really, of my kind of Monday and Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and Tuesday You've combined Tuesday.

Speaker 1:

Well see, because I was busy, but I could only do a little bit at a time. I couldn't like you know.

Speaker 2:

Tuesday. I must admit, tuesday I was flat out of work again. But do you know what I started Tuesday? I famously do not like these movies at all, but everyone recently has been re-watching them. So I thought started watching it because everyone kept talking about it and I thought maybe I misjudged it?

Speaker 1:

No, you didn't misjudge it.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have some thoughts. Would you like to hear them? I would love to hear your thoughts on Twilight. I don't have Twitter anymore, so in my notes section I was live tweeting to myself to then share with people my thoughts.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Comments include you middle class ho-bag, one bathroom.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then I put Anna Kendrick very excitedly and then I also put lol to absent fathers. This is so awkward, the gaslighting so hostile. That has got to be a wig. Is the manic driving required? Question mark Edward is a shit covert-vampire. The run through the forest. I also don't think sparkly is scary. There's many things like I like watching you sleep with a red flag emoji and then halfway through I got really bored because I put discovered this emoji interesting and then I Fedward honestly is another one.

Speaker 1:

I almost don't want to bleep that out yeah, dorky guy, you are weird yeah yeah, there's a lot in here.

Speaker 2:

I guess the wolf's out the bag. And then I've put two laughing, crying faces on that one. I put a picture of my cat in there because apparently I was getting bored.

Speaker 1:

Why did you persist?

Speaker 2:

Do you know what I'm invested now? Really, I need to watch. I have one more film to watch now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

No means no. Cullen Consent is everything Cullen.

Speaker 2:

I am Team Jacob, but God, does he stir the pot? Patterson's hands are hairy. 49-46. Was that Justin Bieber? Soundtrack is so rogue. Oh, yeah, god. Soundtrack is so rogue. Uh, yeah, god, I halfway down a bit. Oh, he's got an arm off. Oh my god, yeah, there, there's a lot in here that I can't repeat. There's just. One of them is just like what question mark? Like yeah, so yeah, there's a. There's a lot. There's a lot in here that I can't repeat. One of them is just like what? Like yeah, so yeah, there's a lot going on.

Speaker 1:

Right. So this is your film review of Twilight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in a nutshell. In a nutshell, excellent. Sorry that took up a large segment of this podcast, but I thought that was.

Speaker 1:

No, but I think that's worth it. I think that's worth it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I had some thoughts. You obviously did. Yeah, so I watched Twilight most of this week. I watched like I've binged it basically, but I've got. I've got one more film left.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how, how you. Honestly, I'm just invested.

Speaker 2:

Now I've got to watch the last movie. I can't stop now. I just the third one took a lot of.

Speaker 1:

I was on my phone a lot there was it's not good One particular scene in Twilight because I must admit I was kind of saying to you why are you still watching it? But I did myself and I carried on watching all of them when they first came out.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a massive fan of the books either. They're really poorly written in my personal opinion.

Speaker 1:

I stuck with it and there was one scene I was like, oh yeah, this is actually really good.

Speaker 2:

And then Some to say are pretty good.

Speaker 1:

But there's one action scene in it in all three films where it was amazing and then it doesn't actually even happen.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. That was frustrating for me too, that was incredibly frustrating.

Speaker 2:

They use a lot of dream sequences that are really good and I'm like, yeah, yeah, oh, they woke up. Isn't Dakota Fanning in it? Yeah, I had to look a couple of these things up. So in there's a guy that's a vampire and I was like that looks like that guy out of Burlesque. When I looked it up, I was like, oh no, he's not in Burlesque. I'm being stupid. I looked it up again. No, I can't remember. I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

Michael Sheen's in it. I don't know. He's Kate Beckinsale's first husband. Kate Beckinsale was also a vampire in Underworld?

Speaker 2:

they've, yeah, but Dakota Fanning is in it. Yeah, that surprised me. I saw her and I was like is that Dakota Fanning? It was, and it was the guy from Burlesque. I just mis-Googled it the first time I saw him.

Speaker 1:

Oh, right, okay, but yeah, that was my Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

That was your Tuesday. What did you do Wednesday? I?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You worked.

Speaker 1:

I worked.

Speaker 2:

I worked too Wednesday. I've had a really busy working week. Not that I don't have busy working weeks, but this one has been particularly busy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my week's been busy. I mean, this is the busiest time for us.

Speaker 2:

I suppose it is yeah for you guys. But yeah, wednesday, unfortunately chronic pain. I've literally my note on Wednesday was chronic pain hit like a mofo. So yeah, I was really not feeling funky fresh on Wednesday. No, that was a bad pain day, so I just put kitty snuggles. So I must have been snuggling with the cat when I wrote this. She's very cute. Whenever I'm in lots of pain, she seems to sense it. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, animals do. Animals do sense it, animals do sense it.

Speaker 2:

She's got more loving recently to me. Don't know what I've done. Maybe Mitchell smells, I'm not sure. Yeah, kiddie Snuggles. Wednesday it was a pretty boring day for me. I was supposed to be running for Run Club as well. Run Club is normally every Wednesday, but I yeah, shins, I was just in a lot of pain, were you. Yeah, pain was strong. Pain was strong Thursday.

Speaker 1:

Thursday at work, work, work again. I mean, pretty much every day was work this week, but Thursday night we actually watched the new series the Penguin, me and your mum, because your mum came back from Cromer on Wednesday. The Penguin, the Penguin. So have you seen the Batman, the new Batman? No, I don't watch Batman. We have actually Robert Pattinson in it. We're playing the new Batman. Linky linky Exactly, it's very good.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it is very the penguin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because the way he walks. His real name is Oswald Cobb Cobbapot, and it's the way he walks because he's got deformed feet so he waddles, so they call him the penguin.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that's a really mean yeah, but it's actually really dark. Have you never watched Batman? No, that just seems like the shittest villain name ever well, you've got the Riddler is like the Joker the Riddler. They sound cool, yeah, but have you never heard of the Penguin? The Penguin, yeah. Have you never heard of the?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, oh, my days. The only Penguin villain I can think of is the one in Wallace and Gromit, with the glove on his head, and he looks like a chicken. That's his disguise, isn't?

Speaker 1:

it. Yeah, but no, it's. Colin Farrell plays Penguin as in, as he's got a suit on as an. Irish Colin Farrell. As an Irish Colin Farrell, no way, oh, I like him.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I should watch it.

Speaker 1:

But you wouldn't recognise him because even your mum sat there and was like who's that actor?

Speaker 2:

I loved him in Scrubs.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, the best thing he's ever been is in In Bruges. Him and Brendan Gleeson in In Bruges as the two Irish hitmen.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, it's just superb. Can't say I've seen it, but he was good in Scrubs.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely superb he was good in Scrubs. So, yeah, we watched Penguin and that was very, very good. And then we started watching Renegade Nell on Disney.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that is either. I think you'd like that.

Speaker 1:

Really Renegade Nell, renegade Nell. It's set in the 1700s. I'm already no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I'm already losing faith.

Speaker 1:

No, but it's got like modern language. Oh, okay, and Nell, she has a special ability.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not going to say I'm immediately back in, I'm back in, yeah, back in the room. I'm not going to say any more than that. It's on Disney and I really think you'd like it.

Speaker 2:

Is it a series or a film?

Speaker 1:

It's a series. What series? We've got two episodes in.

Speaker 2:

Imagination Nell. What do you call it? Huh, what's it called? Imagination Nell? What did you get that from? From.

Speaker 1:

Renegade Nell.

Speaker 2:

Oh, renegade Nell, Renegade Nell to Imagination Nell.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, sorry, my.

Speaker 2:

Thursday I had a revelation. Did you A revelation?

Speaker 1:

I was in the shower and you know that popular sound you often do have revelations Not you personally, but everyone does have those little thoughts in the shower.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, shower thoughts with.

Speaker 1:

Hannah, deep thoughts with the deep.

Speaker 2:

Deep thoughts with the deep. We can't repeat any of those. If you watch the Boys, you know what we're on about and we'll leave it there. But I had a revelation. I was in the shower and there's a very, very popular Instagram TikTok sound at the moment which is emergency paging Dr Beat Emergency. Do you know what revelation I had?

Speaker 1:

No, but I know what you that song.

Speaker 2:

That is the start of the song. Yeah, won't you help me? I did not make the connection, because if you now listen to the Gloria Estevan song, they have sped up that first bit and they've also put it in line, they've put it on the beat and they've also added a to it. So I did not recognise that and that only plays in that very small segment at the start of the song. So not only have they rejigged it, they've remastered it, they've also repeated it so that it's for the TikTok trend. Right, yeah, the revelation. And now, every single day, since Thursday, every morning, I've had why don't you help me?

Speaker 2:

Do you know what I'll-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da the other day as well, just on my lunch break, going from one screen to another, of course, and I was scrolling through and it came on and someone has now they've started and it's going to take off and get popular again is Rich Girl by Hall Oates. Really what they've done is they've heightened the pitch a little bit and sped it up a little bit as well, so it's like you're a rich girl and you can't do far.

Speaker 2:

And it's like I don't know what the tiktok trend is like, I don't know what the trend they're doing it to. But yeah, it's like slightly sped up version and I was like what it's all the notes now like they're really sampling all like old I shouldn't say old uh, they're sampling um. Previously done music, shall we say? And then so many people are obviously doing the the deadpool dance oh yeah, do you know what?

Speaker 1:

haven't seen that, but now I believe it's coming on to Disney in two days.

Speaker 2:

Yes, this doesn't ruin anything, but there's a Deadpool dance.

Speaker 1:

I've seen that. I've seen people do the Deadpool dance.

Speaker 2:

yeah, so because, obviously, like you guys, like Gen X already knew the Backstreet Boys dance, yeah it. And it's like now the generations have come together because they both know it's done.

Speaker 1:

Everybody here, you yeah.

Speaker 2:

Rock your body, but Thursday, of course, is our podcast release day.

Speaker 1:

It is indeed. What did you forget to do, Hannah?

Speaker 2:

I, as always, forgot to upload the story, but I did do it eventually in the end I sent my normal Wednesday night text of hi Hannah, Where's?

Speaker 1:

the graphic. It's this text, yep Of hi Hannah it's this tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Where's the graphic?

Speaker 1:

It's this tomorrow. Yeah, what song did you choose?

Speaker 2:

Was it slang? What was? What was the? What was the last episode that just came out? It was Would you Rather?

Speaker 1:

We were playing, would you Rather? Now I've just realised I've got to mix this this afternoon now and get this out for this Thursday.

Speaker 2:

Nah, you don't have to do that. Yeah, no, I'll do it. Nah, the peeps won't know, they won't mind, they will know, they will know, but they won't mind.

Speaker 1:

I'll put the extreme sports one back a week.

Speaker 2:

I actually can't remember, I actually can't remember what I used.

Speaker 1:

Cardigans Favourite game.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you, it was a song. I just think I chose a popular song rather than oh, I know what it was. It was Foo Fighters. It was because we mentioned the Foo Fighters in there and I can't remember what song it was now, but it wasn't. I got another confession. It wasn't that one, it was. I know. I know we can't bring that up again, we can't talk about it again. So yeah, after podcast release episodes on BDBD Podcast are released every Thursday, just so you know.

Speaker 1:

No, actually there was a weird one. I set the podcast episode to be released across all platforms at four o'clock in the morning On Thursday. On Thursday, when I got up at five it wasn't on Spotify. It didn't appear on Spotify until about seven o'clock in the morning on Thursday, or on my phone it didn't anyway.

Speaker 2:

I guess that's a sorry then, just in case you do listen to our podcast dead on as soon as it comes out.

Speaker 1:

I think what I might do is I might transfer it to like one o'clock in the morning on a Thursday, just to give it that little kind of yeah, little bit of wiggle room, a little bit of pud.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if there's any Eastern listeners, that would have been their lunchtime that would have been their lunchtime, yeah, so we need to maybe put it on earlier. Then I studied some more and then I went to a quiz on Thursday night. You did, I did With Mitchell's family, my husband's family. We came fifth out of seventh.

Speaker 1:

It's not seventh, you know well done.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, we came fifth. Yeah, we didn't come last you didn't come last. Yeah, it was quite tight points as well. I'll just say that.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, there was a pitch around and then there was they'd done an interesting table round this time, where they took advert slogans and I thought, oh brilliant, we've done our advert podcast episode, maybe I'll remember did not help me once, we did not mention any of those that came in there. Oh yeah, that was a really frustrating round and there was a picture round that we we did pretty well on. Yeah, that was pretty good. So what about friday? Oh, friday, rip.

Speaker 2:

Maggie smith yeah, yes, yeah so I I think I mentioned on a podcast episode way back when maybe we also killed her off as well, because we tend to talk about you haven't mentioned maggie smith well, I think I might have done potentially when we done the harry potter stuff. But um, yeah, uh, maggie smith is. I've said a long time now that when she passes I will be very, very upset. I did shed a tear, I have to confess I must admit when I, when I saw that she had died, I would, I would.

Speaker 2:

That was quite that's a hard one, that one. She's a national treasure. She's a national treasure. 89 good innings, good innings, national treasure. So, um, yeah, we've said in the past that sometimes we mention celebrities on this podcast and then the next week we hear of their death or something's happened to them. So we also killed off matthew perry, so sorry for everyone for that one. Um, we did kill off. We mentioned friends and then suddenly the next week I learnt about his passing.

Speaker 1:

So what else was special about Friday?

Speaker 2:

Oh, there was nothing special about Friday that I definitely didn't forget at all.

Speaker 1:

No, you didn't forget at all did you?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't forget that special.

Speaker 1:

So 21 years ago, on the 27th of September, yes, an event took place where two people got wed and that was me and your mum got wed.

Speaker 2:

At least it wasn't like a special one, like 21 years.

Speaker 1:

Well, I am going to read you a text exchange now between me and your mum. Okay, on our wedding anniversary. So I got up in the morning, I got up.

Speaker 2:

We were about to say on our wedding night I do not want to know, thank you so this is a genuine text, uh, between me and your mum, we.

Speaker 1:

I woke up really early in the morning. I went to work. I then thought I will do, I will put a Facebook post up there, because I'm quite sad like that about you know. Okay, bring it on. Yeah, about our wedding anniversary, and I put happy 20th wedding anniversary. I see where this is going, yeah. And then there's a whole bit, and then put some pictures up on there and your mum just messaged me at 7 24 in the morning. It just said it's 21 years happy anniversary. We got married 27th september 2003. And at 7 26 I just messaged back well done, you've passed the test. I see what you did, see what I did there, yeah, so, uh, I got that wrong. Uh, I then went back in and edited the post to 21 years do you want to know a horrible fact about the 27th of september?

Speaker 2:

no oh okay, not well, not only did you get married, which is not horrible, that's a nice one.

Speaker 1:

Where are we going with this? Well, did you get married, which is not horrible? I was going to say that's a nice one. Where are we going?

Speaker 2:

with this. Well, Maggie Smith passed which is quite horrible. So did Michael Gambon Last year, same day. How weird is that? Bloody hell.

Speaker 1:

That's quite coincidentally strange have I told you before how I remember your mum's birthday and our anniversary.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but tell it for our listeners the eight and the nine.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so all I remember for your mom's birthday is the eighth of october, so eight and oct yeah, yep and for our wedding. Nine. Two and seven makes nine, and september is the ninth month, so eight nine. So I'd never get those dates wrong.

Speaker 2:

Every other date in the calendar useless you have to remember eight for mine as well, because 1 and 7 is 8 and it's the 8th month oh my god, yeah spooky hey oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So why don't I remember, ever remember, your birthday?

Speaker 2:

because your brother is more important to you and he was born on the 19th doesn't work for him. 9 and 1 no, it doesn't oh well, you could go 8. You could go 9 minus 1 is 8, no that.

Speaker 1:

Well, you could go eight, you could go nine minus one is eight.

Speaker 2:

No, that's getting too complicated.

Speaker 1:

That's a bit complicated. The whole point of things is to keep it simple, keep it simple, keep it simple.

Speaker 2:

So Friday I went to Spoons.

Speaker 1:

Did you?

Speaker 2:

Before a very cute cinema trip with my good friends Ewan and Rachel if they're listening to the podcast, hello, we do D&D with them. But, funny enough, we left in good time from where I live to get into central Norwich but we were late and we're never late because they decided to block Riverside Car Park.

Speaker 1:

Who did? Who are these? They the?

Speaker 2:

man, the man, the man blocked it.

Speaker 1:

Did you stick it to the man?

Speaker 2:

So we got stuck pretty much where you expect to be stuck at Trouse, as you're coming in like near City Hall.

Speaker 2:

That's the worst we were stuck there for ages and we thought there must have been an accident or something, but apparently no. That is just what it's like on a Friday night. Yeah, Even though we checked the maps and everything. So, yeah, we didn't get there in time, which is sad, so I ended up. This is something that we would never be able to do in your time. I ordered my food in the car so that when I turned up to Spoons, it was there ready for us.

Speaker 1:

Bloody hell.

Speaker 2:

Boom shakalaka. So I had my dinner with you and Rachel. We ordered dessert and it never came. So, yeah, I never got my brownie, oh, which is really sad. So I had my little Spoons meal but never got my brownie. And then I saw the anniversary edition of Shaun of the Dead.

Speaker 1:

Of course, yes, that my brownie. And then, uh, I saw, uh, the anniversary edition of shauna the dead. Of course, yes, that was then, wasn't it? Yeah, boy, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah he's gone off.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was, um. So I've actually seen, uh, shauna dead in the cinema previous to that. I think I saw it on the 15th anniversary, yeah, with my bandmate at the time, alfie, and when the title screen come on, everyone clapped and there was a few people dressed up.

Speaker 1:

I dressed up. Last time everyone dressed up.

Speaker 2:

No, do you know what? The vibes were lost? The vibes were not there. Really, no one clapped with the title screen, which apparently would have been awkward. It was in Odeon cinema and you know they've got the new seats now, so we were like chilling and relaxing and like we were laughing at bits in the film. Definitely a highlight for me is when they're like the zombies are tapping on the glass and he goes oh, they're still out there. And he goes to the glass and looks pregnant pause. And then he goes yeah, it's the funniest joke in the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

I love the foreshadowing.

Speaker 2:

I could talk about Shaun of the Dead all day. But very fun, very exciting, enjoyed the experience that was Shaun of the Dead. That was my Friday.

Speaker 1:

So Friday, me and your mum did actually watch Quiet Place day one.

Speaker 2:

Very good for a wedding anniversary. I know for a wedding anniversary.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we watched that. It was very good.

Speaker 2:

Did you have a special meal or anything?

Speaker 1:

Well, you Did you exchange cards, gifts no, we don't no.

Speaker 2:

You don't do that, do you? Nah I. You don't do that, do you? I didn't even get you a card. I didn't even remember messaging until.

Speaker 1:

That's not even falling into a trap or anything like that. It's genuinely we just don't bother with cards, Because what is the point? I mean, I really don't see the point in cards.

Speaker 2:

Just ruining them trees. Exactly, you're both environmentally friendly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's just absolutely no point. But we did order some Chinese food. Oh, you point, but we did have. We did order some chinese food. Oh, you had some chinese. Oh, that's good. I'm glad you had something special, yeah, and sat and watched quiet place.

Speaker 2:

Fantastic news so saturday do you know what I did saturday?

Speaker 1:

go on. So there's a bit of a funny story. Saturday yeah, now I need to go and buy some new shoes and there was a little bit of an incident very palo palo nutini of you. Yes I was, uh, I was put in a little bit of a situation by your mum. Ah Right Now so.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I feel like this is not going to be as bad as you're making it out to be. Oh no, it's bad.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's bad. Well, not bad. I was just in a very embarrassing situation put there by your mum. Did she do it on purpose? Did she do it on purpose? Did she do it by accident? I think she kind of knew what she was doing. I think she does. So she gave me a parcel and she said to me oh, if you're going into the city, can you drop this off at the post office and get it sent? Was it a big or a small package? It's a fairly kind of robust package. It's not a package that you could just put a first class stamp stamp on. It would need to be weighed and tested, okay. So I took this parcel and she said to me she said it's part of a dry suit, get it fixed. Okay, okay, fair, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I took the parcel, go down into the post office and I'm standing there in the queue there and I said to the lady can I send this please, first class signed for, and she, she said yes. She said yes, certainly, could you just pop it on the scales. I popped it on the scales, I turned it over, put it on there, and then I looked at the address and it said to rubber man. The lady looked down at the thing, looked back at me, with this almost kind of shocked kind of double take going on. I looked down at the address, realised that she thought what's in that package and who is the rubber man? I was clicked that it was quite embarrassing and so I just looked at her. I smiled and gave her a confident nod and gave her a confident nod.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there are several things non-funky that that could be.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 2:

That could be attire. That could be. There are many rubber products that are out there Including rubbers themselves Immediately.

Speaker 1:

But at that point I thought to myself please ask me what's in there and I'll say a dry suit. But she didn't.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's weird because normally they please ask me what's in there and I'll say a dry suit, but she didn't. Well, that's weird, because normally they say, oh, what's in the parcel?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't think she wanted to know.

Speaker 1:

It's a massive dildo. No, I was going to be like it's a gimp suit, I went dildo.

Speaker 2:

That's weird it didn't fit.

Speaker 1:

It was a bit big. So, yeah, no, but it was a dry suit, but I was just like, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

To the rubber man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I walked out of the post office just like, oh God, okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mine was less embarrassing. Again. I was supposed to have a run on Saturday park run, unfortunately negative on the old shin front, so I ended up getting my nails done. It's the one thing that I allow myself to be girly about, and they're beautiful my mushroom fingers. And then I had a lovely meal with a friend at the Stag in Outborough Nice carvery, get in my belly and obviously Sunday we're here.

Speaker 1:

And Sunday we're here At a.

Speaker 2:

McDonald's breakfast. We did and we're here in the podcast, so you are all caught up on the last week of our lives. So not really a lot's happened, but when you actually think about it Work.

Speaker 1:

The main bulk of it is work.

Speaker 2:

I mean the highlight for me is probably holding my new niece. Yeah, that was good and I can't wait to hold her again. I'm seeing her tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

And the highlight of my week was, of course, being married to your mum for 21 years.

Speaker 2:

Of course that was the highlight, not the gig with your daughter.

Speaker 1:

And you gained fire marriage. That was the highlight of last week Because if we just kind of say, saturday night last week was last week and then Friday this week.

Speaker 2:

All right then. Yeah, no worries. Well, we hope you enjoyed that podcast listening to our very boring lives and mundane lives. Yeah, check us out on our socials. We don't post on there very often.

Speaker 1:

Why don't we post on there very often, hannah, I'm just really rubbish at it.

Speaker 2:

I'm so rubbish at it, I'm sorry. I'm sorry gang.

Speaker 1:

We're advertising for a social media manager.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we need one. We need one. One does not have time. If anyone does want some social media experience, you're welcome to take it on. But, yes, please see us every Thursday. We release podcast episodes at some point in the morning, apparently, and, yes, we hope you have a gorgeous day or night, depending on when you're listening to this or where you are in the world. Good night, good morning, goodbye.