Bonus Dad Bonus Daughter

One Year Celebration, and Our Podcast Evolution

Bonus Dad Bonus Daughter

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What are the chances that you and a stranger share the same birthday? You might be surprised! We kick off our one-year anniversary episode of the Bonus Dad, Bonus Daughter podcast with this intriguing question and dive into the birthday paradox. Along the way, we share personal anecdotes about shared birthdays, life updates, and a heartfelt farewell to our beloved pet, Lily. 

Join us as we take a nostalgic journey through our podcast's evolution—from our humble beginnings with makeshift recordings in an echo-filled living room to a dedicated studio setup that transformed our audio quality. We recount memorable moments, like celebrating Hannah's 28th birthday with nostalgic PS2 gaming and a delightful barbecue, and the thoughtful gifts she received. Plus, hear the humorous tale of how Hannah's mum hilariously mistook her heat pad for a baby bump.

But that's not all! We also give you an inside look at our content creation process, listener engagement, and the global reach of our podcast, spanning 21 countries. We're brainstorming exciting ideas for our upcoming Halloween episodes, and we can't wait to share our unique and thrilling plans with you. So, tune in and celebrate with us as we reminisce about the past year and look forward to the future of Bonus Dad, Bonus Daughter!

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Hello and welcome to Bonus Dad. Bonus Daughter a special father-daughter podcast with me Hannah and me, davy, where we discuss our differences, similarities, share a few laughs and stories. Within our ever-changing and complex world, Each week we will discuss a topic from our own point of view and influences throughout the decades or you could choose one by contacting us via email, instagram, facebook or TikTok Links in bio.


Welcome to this very special bonus dad bonus daughter podcast episode, because it's been one whole year, a whole year Of this podcast.


We've been doing this for a year, Hannah.


One whole year. Did we remember to do? How many episodes we've done today? It must be what. If it's a year, it must be what.


52 no, no, because remember, when we started off, oh yeah, we didn't, we did them fortnightly, we did yeah, and then we got loads of people commenting saying, well, I say loads, you know, thousands upon thousands, thousands of our listeners. About three yeah, uh, commenting saying please do them weekly. So we, we started doing them weekly, we did so I actually didn't count how many episodes there were no, we probably should have prepared that.


We should have counted that one. We've done a lot of other work, but we didn't actually, so the first thing that you come in with is the one thing we didn't check. Yeah.


What are we on like 30? I? What are we on like?


30? I think we're about 30. Yeah, I think about 35, 36 episodes.


I bet there's an avid fan somewhere out there that's like yes, you've done this many.


But also I have taken one episode off. Oh yeah, you did actually I took the communication episode off because the sound quality was diabolical.


I thought we weren't telling people that. Now they know, but it's still hiding there in the background.


So it still adds to our stats.


It does, it does yeah, we have three episodes to go to reach 50 47, so we actually have 47 47 episodes. I had to do that because we get badges on buzzsprout, so I was just checking.


Uh, yeah yeah that's the quickest way I could tell yeah, as as we go through, we'll explain what buzz sprout is yes, we will explain a lot of this stuff, yeah buzz sprout, but, but, but. So it's our one year anniversary of bonus bonus daughter it is indeed, but also yesterday was something else, wasn't it? Yesterday was something else what was yesterday is your favorite day of the year, hannah it's the worst day of the year for me. I turned 28 you did happy birthday.


Thank you it was my birthday yesterday. Um, and I am not one for celebrating my birthday, absolutely hate it, but I did. I have now revolved around the sun 28 times. Was that me?


yeah, yeah yeah, completed 28 trips around, yeah that's.


That's what I meant to say. Revolved around sun.


Because does the sun not revolve around you?


It does not.


It does not I'm not the protagonist in this story, because if I was, they have dealt me a bad card. Actually, you did say last night that Mitchell was the protagonist.


My husband is the protagonist of this world. We're just all living in his world.


That's quite a scary thought. It is a scary thought, a really a scary thought, like the truman show this is definitely his show yeah, for sure, for sure. So what did we do? What? All not. What did we do? So? What did you do for your birthday, hannah? And what did you get for your birthday?


because I know you hate talking about it, so I'm going to make you yeah, so I had a really lovely chill day playing games, basically, so my husband treated me to a ps2 game, um, so it's um. If you've heard of Buzz, which is a quiz game, there's like these little kiddie games that you can get for Buzz.


Wasn't Jason Donovan the voice of Buzz I?


have no idea.


Was he not that?


sounds so plausible.


Yeah, it was Australian, wasn't he? I know Jason Donovan's Australian, but the presenter was Australian.


Yes, yeah.


I think it was jason donovan okay, I'm gonna.


I'm gonna go with yes okay, continue but they do a load of kids ones, and we've had monkey buzz for ever since I can remember. Um, monkey buzz has been a thing, but he managed to find a dinosaur version of it. It hits does it it's a good game. It's a good. We've played it pretty much all morning of my birthday. And then we did some really adulting things. We went and got the car washed, then we went to the range to get some tomato plant supplies.


Yeah, you mentioned about the tomato plants. It's doing well, is it? It's.


Mitchell's tomato plant.


It's doing incredibly well. Did you not cut yourself on a tomato plant?


Well, I cut myself on something I'm not entirely sure, because tomato plants, you know.


They're not normally vicious.


They're not normally vicious or sharp. They don't have thorns. I think it might have been the rosebush, okay, and then I found myself at your house.


Just randomly just appeared.


Yeah, and we had a nice barbecue. We did have a nice barbecue and you got me a nice cake, which was tasty.


What sort of cake did I get?


You got me a Hogwarts cake.




Because I'm 28 and I'm still in Harry Potter and it was really nice. It was very chocolatey, it was very good. But, yeah, I got some earrings for my birthday. I got a nice. I got a lot of could I say accessibility items for my chronic pain. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So I got a heat pad, which was really nice when you walked in yesterday, your mom was, like looking at your belly, thinking that you were pregnant yeah, that's not gonna happen.


Um, but yeah, no, I had a little heat pad from my mother-in-law, which is very nice. Give a shout out to lynn, she's lovely. My mummy number two. And then I, from you guys, I got a. I don't know what they're called, but it's a cushion that has arms. That's the only way I can describe it. It's like an armchair, but Backrest kind of armchair.


Backrest armchair for, like, when I'm working from home and I'm in pain. So very, very thoughtful gifts. Got a lot of chocolate, got this a lot of autumnal things as well. So you guys got me like a halloween projector. Yeah, some little ghosties to go in my garden for halloween and a pumpkin. And then I also got this really cute candle from my um, my sister and brother-in-law, which is like in the shape of an acorn, little like fairy house acorn that just suits my autumnal aesthetic um.


So yeah, I got absolutely spoiled yeah, and we played yo sushi yo sushi no it's not. It's called sushi, sushi go sushi go sushi is the restaurant is it? But I always call the game yo sushi, but it's actually sushi. Go cracking game, by the way it is a good game pass and play kind of card game, awesome, and then we played sky joe yeah, yeah, and you won one of the games.


I know it's like unheard of yeah, because I lose every game that we ever play pretty much every time we play a game, I'm last and I won the very first round, and then it went downhill rapidly after that and still came last yeah yeah, so normal service resumed after round one and before we stop talking about my birthday, because obviously I love it so much yeah


there's something I want to clear up from another episode we did on birthdays, real quick, um, and this was courtesy of my husband because he said I kind of mentioned it but then didn't explain it. So if you've checked out our birthday episode podcast and you were like, huh, what is the birthday paradox, which I forgot to explain entirely when we recorded it, so I just thought a little excerpt for you from Wikipedia our favorite place to be.


So the birthday paradox for those that don't know is the probability that if you put 23 people in a room, 23 people in a room, there is a 50% chance that the people in the room at least two of them will have the same birthday. Really, yeah, you'll start and then the more obviously people in the room that you get, the higher the chance.




Of course, but yeah, considering there's 365 days in a year and 366, if, how many days are days in a year and 366, if what? How many days are there in a year when you have a leap year?




366. Why did I correct myself?


I don't know.


So obviously you know the 29th of February is probably the least popular day because obviously it only occurs every four years. But yeah, that's basically what it is. So at least two people. Let me read it out In probability theory, the birthday problem asks for the probability that in a set of a randomly chosen people, at least two will share the same birthday. The birthday paradox refers to the word that I can't pronounce.




Thank you. The fact that only 23 people are needed for the probability to exceed 50%.


That's insane. That is insane. That's got to be a maths thing, though, hasn't it?


oh it is, it's a math thing, for sure it's a math, it's not like mystical or anything. It's mathematics but yeah, I famously in my life a lot of people are born on april 26th. I have, I know, at least six people born on that day, which is crazy, and one of them is my husband. So it it's mad to me that I know that and for some reason recently, I was like you know what I? Don't know anyone born on my birthday other than robert de niro, which I don't actually know in real life.


I wish I knew robert de niro how cool would it be to know robert de niro, oh that would be pretty cool pretty cool, but I don't know him.


But anyway, I was, I don't know. I don't know him, but um, but I do follow someone called blind tobes on on uh, tiktok and instagram um, and he's a. He's a guy that's blind and he advocates for blind people and um found out yesterday he's he was born on 17th of august. So I am oh, I was, I was like I just realized it's the 18th of august.


It is, it is the 18th of august.


It's my brother's birthday tomorrow yes, yeah, yes happy birthday, stewart for tomorrow for tomorrow when this episode comes out, we'll be related bizarrely enough because you even said in the last disney episode that was when you said I don't, because we do these completely out of sequence, we do. You never know which one's going to come up, which one I mix. But I did say to you this morning that, because of the date, I would be putting this one out on thursday and I'll be mixing and mastering this one this afternoon well, in that case, let's get off of birthdays, because I hate talking about my birthday.


We'll get back to bd. Bd birthday in a minute, but let's do life updates then life updates. We need a jingle for this let me just press a random button no, not that one.


That one was horrific, horrific, this one go on then, but that didn't work oh oh, hang on. The volume's not okay, go again oh, that's spooky life update.


That sounds like the most serious life update.


Let's just let's cut that out. Let's cut that cool, um. So yeah, life updates so I got promoted at work.


I've got a new job promotion yeah I got a new job, you got promoted. I just got an entirely new job, not entirely new job. Woo Woo, you got promoted. I just got an entirely new job, not entirely new job. I'm doing the same thing you are doing the same thing Different company. Yeah, oh, I got two more tattoos. Surprise, surprise.


Oh my God, when your mum with that picture the other day. So your mum went to a festival up in Wells yes, For the weekend and she a festival up in. Wells for the weekend and she got a transfer tattoo and then she took a picture of it and sent it to us.


She was like, oh, I got a tattoo. And we were all like, nah, bullshit.


Yeah, that is not a tattoo, that's a transfer. It was a transfer, it was quite a good transfer, but it was a transfer, you could tell. And then we discussed it last night, didn't we? I've lived this long. I don't think I'll get one. I think she's easing her way into one she's trying to ease.


She's easing her way into one.


And then Mitchell then piped up and said you know, he feels that he's pressured to get a tattoo because everybody he knows has got one and he hasn't.


Yeah, yeah, peer pressure yeah.


It's a real thing. I think't think they'll get one.


No, I don't think they will. I have a feeling Mitchell will, just randomly. He'll just come home with it one day, I think he should have a picture of me. Well, the tattoo he wants to get does kind of look like you.


Does it really no? Does it actually no? Oh, my days.


What other life updates?


That, um, that's it really. It's been pretty tough. I got a year older, I got two more tattoos. Yeah, I don't think anything else has really happened. No, no, no, well, something did happen, but what happened? We lost a dog oh, you did yeah yeah, our lily, we lost our lily and yeah, that was sad, that was very, very sad, very, very sad.


but it was her sad, but it was her time to go.


It was her time to go and she went very, very peacefully.


She did, she did yeah.


Poor little Lily, it was. Yeah, bless her Anyway. Yeah, sorry, so we thought we would do an episode about our episodes.


This is like Mother's Day.


I've now got to bleep that out again, hannah, yeah, you did this in the Disney episode and I had to bleep that.


I love the fact that I swore in a Disney episode.


Disney yeah, you were so aggressive.


I was aggressive, you were so aggressive. People are so mean and I wanted to be mean. Back to those mean people.


When I was mixing that episode, you sounded so sassy in some of that, so sassy and so nonchalant at times and I was just like, yeah, I thought this is, you know me, sass queen I thought this is the real hannah coming out. People are really starting to hear the real hannah now I am the real hannah.


This is me all the time. I am a nice person, but I'm not nice to not nice people that's true, that is true yes, I feel very strongly about not nice people you are a fiery redhead? I am, but I'm also just. I'm just as fiery as everyone else I know my redheadedness does not come into play. I'm sorry, it just doesn't. I'm gonna get sassy with you in a minute. It's. The thing is like you rile me up, but then you're like, oh, it's because you're a redhead.


I'm like no because I'm a normal person, I know I love doing it because I just know how to push your buttons. Are you ready? So Anyway, yeah, before I get angry, yeah, it's been a year since we've been doing these episodes. It has, and can you remember how we started it and why we started doing it?


No, can you not? I remember we wanted, so I remember wanting to let me start again. I remember saying to you that I wanted to start a podcast, and it was actually specifically on psychology.


That's right.


I was like I really want to do a psychology podcast from someone that has not only studied psychology but needed the services of psychology and also can sympathize and empathize with both kind of sides of psychology. Um and and why it's, why it's so important and why mental health is is so important to focus on. So I remember doing that and I was going to get a friend to do it, but uh, you know, we were doing a, she was doing a uni course at the time, I was still sort of getting to grips with my new job and things like that, and it just never really happened. It's just one of them things we never just got around to doing it.


And then you suddenly turned around to me one day and was like I want to do a podcast. And I was like, cool, I want to do a podcast. What should we do it on? And then it just naturally, I think, evolved into Bonus Dad, bonus Daughter, and our relationship and I mean we originally, I guess, started out with what was different in your childhood to my childhood. That was the original plan, and then we slowly ran out of ideas and started doing a bit more uh episodes surrounding different subjects, just different subjects in general yeah, rather than, rather than specifically focusing on 21 years ago and now because I did notice we were starting to repeat some things.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, some of the things that we were doing, so we thought we needed to mix it up a little bit we also couldn't elaborate on some of the stories that we wanted to say about our own lives and I think people I think were saying to us like our friends and family that were listening resonate better with the stories we were telling about our own lives as opposed to kind of the facts yeah, yeah the changes. So we made it a little bit more personal, yeah we did, we've, we've made it more personal, which is a huge step, I think, kind of moment. Well, I would definitely say a huge step for me.


Um, I would consider myself a fairly private person yeah, but I think we get the balance quite right. Because I think so? Because, yeah, there are, there are things, obviously, that we can't talk about, and we, yeah, and also we wouldn't want to talk about as well, no, no and I think we're well within our right to yeah, but we keep it jokey we keep it jokey.


We keep it light and airy and fairy, but um, I, I don't think I've ever publicly said that I have chronic pain before and a lot of people didn't know that I had chronic pain until they started listening to the podcast, like, oh, I didn't even know you suffered from that, which is kudos to me, because obviously, uh, I'm sick but I don't look sick, which is what I kind of want to do.


Um, so, on that respect for me on a personal level, I think that was a weird move for me well, because where I where I saw when you started saying about doing the podcast, because I used to do um, I used to do a radio show and you did primarily scar. Uh, yeah, I play a lot of scar and reggae and also, but I also did a radio show where I was trying to promote local bands, yeah, and I'd have a lot of local bands, so I'm quite used to. So I quite like doing the idea of that and I used to pre-record the shows and then I started thinking more about doing some monologues and things like that, that type of thing, sort of you know, writing a few scripts.


You have an acting background, so it makes sense.


Yeah, and then sort of acting them out. So I've got a couple of ideas and I still might do that. But then when you said you wanted to do the podcast, I was like, well, actually, let's join forces, let's do this, join forces, join forces.


And yeah that's you know, we're both adults and we both have our lives, very, very busy lives, I'd say as well. And it's nice. Every fortnight we come together and we record three episodes, or whatever we do yeah, two, maybe, or or one, and split into two and whatever we end up doing, and it's just nice to hang out, yeah, and it gets us talking to each other a bit more. Exactly, we just needed this as an excuse to come together a little bit more.


Yeah, exactly so. And then we have a little ritual, don't we? I come pick you up, go to mcdonald's breakfast then come to the studio record the three episodes. I drop you off home. Sometimes you come around to ours and have dinner.


Mitch will come around later on yeah, yeah, we have done that in the past. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get basically chauffeured about, which is fun.


You do, yeah, you do.


I do buy my own breakfast. Every time, guys, I do not leech.


Yes, you do.


I just want £2.43 because there's an offer going on in McDonald's and I used my points to get my extra hash brown.


Oh, you were distraught today, weren't you?


Oh, I walked in. This doesn't you know, considering how many like once a fortnight we record right.




We have a little bit of a summer break, which we have done recently, or we have a break when we're on holiday, yada, yada, yada. I would say probably eight out of ten times there has been hot chocolate available. Today is one of those days where hot chocolate was not available and I wanted to cry. I know it's funny, so I had to have a Coke at like 10 in the morning. I know.


You said to me you were like I really fancy a hot chocolate today. Is that weird, like that? And then we pulled into the car park Because it's so hot yeah.


Is it weird think it's really weird having a fizzy drink at 10 am in the morning, like your parents tell you not to do that when you're younger, and some things you take into your adulthood, I think and that's one of them like, oh, you can't possibly have two slices of cake once you've had one. I mean you're an adult.


Yes, you can, you can, you can. For some reason, did you know? That's the other thing as well.


You can buy birthday cake at any time I know why do I not buy colin more often?


like, yeah, I love colin, colin the caterpillar so can you remember how we first started recording, what the setup was?


you remember the very first, very few episodes very few first episodes were done in my living room. They were because I have. Why did we do it in my house?


yours is way quieter being a detached house the dogs oh yeah, the dogs every time, every time anybody will come to the door, the dogs would just yeah, we'll just go ballistic oh yeah, I remember that now yeah, okay I live in a terrace house but it's still very quiet, yeah, other than the dogs outside, and I remember recording in the living room yeah we both had, so we both have mics because we're musicians, so we just have mics and shit laying about that. We require, I swore again, what?


is wrong with me, but shit's fine. It's when you start going into the F word.


It's like 12A, is that?


Exactly. Shit is 12A. That's fine. It's when you start going a little bit more X rated, that's when I have to start worrying.




So we were in my living room and we've recorded maybe three episodes. Yeah, because what happened was, wasn't it? Yeah?


we did music, then we did family and marriage, and then we did communication.


Now communication. I've actually taken off yeah the reason being is because, for whatever reason the setup of the room the sound kept bouncing off the wall and it was just annoying, and it was just distorted. I couldn't mix it, I couldn't edit it, I couldn't do with it. So that was when I reached out and said look, because of the way the acoustics of the room were set up, you had to be in a very, very specific place within the room to try and get a decent recording.


Yeah, I have a quite a large lounge, but I've also got a lot of things that it's not that well furnished with soft furnishings. I that well furnished with soft furnishings. I've only got, well, one soft furnishing sofa, yeah, um, so there was a lot of bounces, a lot of echo and we don't.


To get that complete one first baseline was really difficult it was so, so we moved yeah, so I reached out and we got ourselves a little podcast studio yeah, we do and, um, we are very, very fortunate in the position that we're in that we, we, we don't actually pay for the, the, the facilities that we're using. No, we don't it's a benefit. It is a benefit yeah, it's a benefit of what we do. So, um, so yeah, we're very, very grateful and very uh well, grateful is the perfect word actually to be able to have a dedicated space, that a shared space it's a shared space, it's not ours, but, um, but yeah, a very dedicated space that we can come and record.


It's a McDonald's en route. Exactly, exactly.


No problem, so yeah, so we've been recording. I think it was the fourth episode onwards we started recording in the studio.


Yeah, yeah, I'd say so, and I think you can definitely hear the change in quality.


Oh, yeah, and it's so much easier for me Because the other thing we used to used to have it on your laptop. I used to have a audacity. I should say you have audacity on your laptop I'd have audacity on my laptop I forgot about that.


I use garage band.


Now I'm used to audacity donkeys so what we would then do is then we record the tracks. We'd record the tracks separately your track and my track then I would then put both tracks into another audacity file and then try and match them up so that our voice. It was an absolute nightmare Because we didn't have an audio interface to be able to go into one laptop so we were using our own laptops.


But now we've got an audio interface. We record it straight into GarageBand. We record it in tandem yeah, in tandem straight into GarageBand. I then download that, I then take it home and then I pop it into audacity, yeah, to do the mixing and the uh and all the editing.


Yeah, yeah, and it works really well this way. Uh, we record in tandem. You do everything. You do all of the what's the word production, I guess, of the podcast, and I just sit back and wait for it to come out yeah, you know, you do all the social media and you do all the marketing all the social media, I literally produce a story every story once a week oh, that is one thing that we do, though, don't?


we is, because you put the, the instagram story on on our instagram. Yeah, and then I podcast and then I put a story up on my own personal instagram.


But we have competitions to see who has the best, who chooses the best music we do, yeah, we do, we do um and I won for disney, by the way you did. Yeah, yeah, you can't. Just, you can't just put lion king in.


Yeah, you got, you'll be me be more obscure but I like it on my whatsapp, but every single time it's just like um, you message me, so Thursdays and just go. Of course you did. Yeah With the song choice.


And normally I prepare that little graphic for the story. I don't know what like on the Wednesday night at 10 pm.


I normally text you.


You have to remind me as well. It's every Thursday, but for some reason, I'm quite coy about it as well.


I just put like Disney tomorrow, yeah, yeah, and I'm like oh shit, some reason yeah, I'm quite coy about it as well I just put like disney tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, forgot again. Yeah, I used to do, we used well. I I tried kind of filming us doing the podcast for a little while and then putting that on the instagram so you kind of saw the behind the scenes. But then I realized that every time I was filming that it it was the same thing every time.


Yeah, it was.


Because we're not a visual podcast, we're an audio podcast. I'd love for us to do video it would be really cool because then we could do like the TikTok thing. But I'm not skilled enough, nor do I know what programs to use or have the recording equipment to do that.


And that would just take up so much time.


It would, and we have full-time jobs on top of this. This is something we do for fun. We don't earn any money off of it, so that's why we're so grateful it actually costs us money. It costs us money, yeah, yeah, because we actually pay for the subscription for Buzzsprout.


Yeah, it costs us 30 quid a month.


Luckily I don't there's me going. I prepare something like five minutes before each thursday, but like your time, but your graphics are good.


I mean the ones you did, the ones you did of me and you, and also benji and your mum as well yeah, they look, they look really cool.


I try. Well, canva is my friend really. That's all all I do. I just type in white man and that came up. Really, yeah, I typed in teen girl because I wanted there to be like a height difference and she was wearing quite cool clothes and that's something I would wear.


So I was like do you know what it reminded me of? I saw one the other day. I was scrolling through TikTok and came across one of our videos on TikTok, and the next one was the Dream Eaters. Oh, and do you know what I actually looked and thought? You know, guy with white hair and a beard, right, yeah. And then slightly smaller girl with red hair, yeah, and we actually looked like the Dream Eaters.


Maybe we should like contact them and be like you know, let's collab? Yeah, Because we are musicians as well.


We are Maybe they're?


What nationality are they? They're American oh well, oh dear, we'll have to get a flight to America, oh no, I'll tell you what, though.


Honestly, if you've never heard of the Dream Eaters, check them out. They are funny. They essentially do jokey jingles and they could, could do our life update jingle. We could get them to do a jingle for us. Let's message them okay, you can you can message them, ask them to do a jingle, yeah yeah, I took care of the other thing.


You can message them on this one yeah, I mean, one of the um, one of the jingles is is that? The first one that popped into my head was satan is lord, satan is lord. It's just random stuff like that. It's really random I like.


I like the diarrhea ones and the bum problem ones. They're fun.


Oh yeah, oh bloody ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, that's funny Because I sent it to you, didn't? I Didn't you just randomly send it to Daniel, and Daniel just was like what is this?


Yeah, pretty much. That's the extent of our friendship. Yeah, what is this? Hannah sent me something weird again.


Yeah um, so yeah. So that was how we kind of first started and then we moved into the studio and that's how I'll kind of do the mixing. I mean, our episodes are generally between sort of 40 minutes and 50 minutes, occasionally go to an hour. If they start going over an hour, we'll split them into two parts. Yes, yeah, so mixing and editing. It takes me about two hours to mix and edit one episode per episode.


Yeah, that's a long time. It isn't actually when you consider like it's nearly an hour and I have to listen to the whole thing. So really I'm listening to it, but it's only an hour's worth of editing if you take listening into consideration as well. Generally, my editing consists of bleeping out Hannah when she says the F word and also take ums and ahs.


Ums and ahs yeah.


There's a lot of ums and ahs that I take out. As I said before, I don't take all of them out because it sounds off when I do sometimes.


But yeah, yeah, that's mainly the I'm really conscious of it now, Really really conscious of it.


I've even recognised the sound pattern.




I can even see. Didn't I message you? Yeah, I filmed myself doing it once, and just like oh look, there's an um.


Maybe you should create a montage of all the um. See, that's the thing you do as well, you do this.


Yeah, I don't know why I do that and it creates this spike on on audacity yeah, it creates this really big spike on audacity. So I take a lot of those out so you never how fun is this going to be to edit this part? This is going to be a nightmare, absolutely. I'm just thinking about. I'm thinking I need to move on very quickly because, yeah, yeah. So how do we choose subjects?


chat, gbt. No, we originally actually started off with topics that we kind of wanted to cover that we felt, because again, we started with the generation gap, so we were thinking of things like communication was a massive one, music technology and things like that the difference between the two. I think we should re-record communication. We've still got the script somewhere.


Yeah, I think we should re-do communication. We've still got the script somewhere.


I think we should redo it, redo it, so, um, and then, of course, um, well, script is like bullet point list. Yeah, you should see the script for this one. It's, it's atrocious. Um, sorry, actually you've done the script as well. Yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah, didn't mean to say that, that was rude that was rude.


I'm very upset now I might storm out. Storm out now. Like preston, I'll never mind the buzzcocks.


Yeah so we chose subjects through, things that we wanted to cover and things that we felt had a massive generation gap, even though it's only been 21 years. And then people started suggesting episodes to us which we really love, like we done.


Heroes and heroes and villains heroes and villains was a suggestion um.


I can't think of any more off the top of my head, but there were kids toys was a suggestion. Um, I can't think of any more off the top of my head, but there were kids, toys was another one, but I haven't mixed that yet that's still awesome.


We did a few seasonal ones as well, so we did like bonfire night halloween christmas I'll come on to bonfire night in a minute actually, when we talk about I know what you're gonna say about that, yeah yeah, stop talking, we'll get there, we'll get there, we'll get there.


But, um, we, we love it when people suggest subjects to us as well, because, at the end of the day, it's what you want to hear. So we would be, you know, we, we would love to hear your suggestions and please do get in touch, like a lot of people have now, you know, on our, on our emails and on our instagram uh feed. Oh, I'm really rubbish at checking our tiktok, uh. So, if you want to get hold of us, probably the email or the Instagram I'm on the Instagram all the time, so that's fine. But, yeah, if you do want to suggest subjects, how many ums in that little bit?


Stop, I'm going to leave that in. Stop. I love you. It's my birthday yesterday.


It's my birthday boxing day. Stop being so mean. It's your birthday boxing day.


I just don't want to talk anymore no, carry on, carry on, done it so instagram instagram.


Yeah, yeah, you want to. You want to contact us? Uh, that is probably the best place that I'm going to pick that up. Yeah, and I deal with all of the the pr that's me that does all that and uh, yeah, obviously you do all the production yeah, exactly, exactly, yes.


So so yeah, because you do all the marketing side of things, don't you loosely?


loosely do all the marketing side of things.


I mean, all I tend to do on the marketing side of things is just pop something on instagram yeah that's. That's pretty much it.


That's all I kind of do it's where our biggest reach is as well. Other than Spotify itself, we do have a Facebook, too, actually.


Yeah, we do, I mean I.


Everything that goes on our Instagram should go on Facebook. It does go on Facebook, yeah, it does go on Facebook.


So yeah, yeah, yeah. So what we actually do as well is how thing to what I used to do, or what I do with the band with Mammal, not Fish, is that we use? Because a lot of people think, oh, do you have an agent, do you have a publishing company? Do?


we have an agent.


Yeah, well, it's the same thing with the band. We are our own agent, exactly. But you know, do we have like a recording contract? Do we do it? No, we do it completely all by do that now, and that is one of the one of the advices. I mean, years and years ago, you would need to go to a proper company to be able to publish things, but with streaming services and the way it all works now, it's very, very simple. Yeah, so we pay buzzsprout, which is essentially a hosting platform. Yeah, so, once the once the episode has been edited, mixed, because the music that we've got ah, we haven't discussed the music, actually the intro and the outro no, so that is a stock free piece of music.


Yes, so it's copyright free you will hear that piece of music elsewhere. It's a stock free thing, I think. Actually, one of my friends, ella, actually said to me she was like all that music at the start was that you guys? Because we're musicians, I think people think perhaps it's us. She was like where did that come from? Because she's like I swear, I heard it on a youtube video and I was like, oh, perhaps it's us. She was like where did that come from? Because she was like I swear, I heard it on a YouTube video and I was like oh yeah it's in a stock library somewhere.


Yeah, copyright-free music. Yeah, copyright-free music.


So we put that on. I then create the episode, download it and then, once I've done that through Audacity, I'll then download it as a WAV file and then I will upload it. Buzzsprout, yes. And then what buzzsprout does, is it? Then it writes the title of it. It writes the title of it, yes, it does well, you can change that, and you it creates a transcript as well. Throughout the whole thing, and yeah, I like.


Sorry, can I just slightly talk about? I love the fact that buzzsprout produces a transcript and now you can also get transcripts on spotify and other australian platforms. I think apple music does this as well.


Yeah, it does yeah.


So it's for the accessibility side of things. So for those that are deaf or hard of hearing, there is now a transcript available for all of our podcasts, I believe.


There is yeah, yeah.


Especially the most recent ones. I'm not sure if it retrospectively does transcripts.


I don't actually know.


We've made our podcast a little bit more accessible, yeah.


I've made our podcast a little bit more accessible because of that. Yeah, I've only started using the co-host AI, I think, for the last two months. Yeah, I think I started using it. Maybe it doesn't do it retrospectively, it does. It has created tweets as well, which is because we haven't got Twitter. But Do we X? Yeah, we do have a Twitter.


Yeah, oh X. Yeah, we have a Twitter.


Yeah, so that goes up to Buzzsprout. And then what happens is then I schedule it. So I schedule it for 4 o'clock in the morning on a Thursday, because that seems to be quite the kind of time that people then start to get upset.


I don't really know why we decided on a Thursday.


I don't know why we decided on a Thursday.


Thursday. I don't know why we decided on a Thursday. Why did Thursday? Well, I know we wanted to do a weekly one and we wanted to do no. We wanted to do a midweek one and we wanted to do a morning one, because we thought, oh, people can get it on their way to work.


Yeah, but also I think it was because we said because if we did it on the Sunday, if we were going to just do the one, it'd give us enough time to get it up, get it running. Oh yeah, yeah, but then we started recording more than one episode, didn't we in one day, and we ended up with a bit of a backlog.


Yeah, which is why we well, one of the reasons we had a nice break over the summer.


Yeah, we did. We had about a month off. Now the backlog's kind of come down a little bit.


Come down.


Yeah, it's come down. I've only got two episodes in the bank, ooh. It's handy to have that, though, because if we are poorly or can't make it or we're on holiday, yeah, yeah, we both independently go on holiday, so it makes sense. Yeah, to have a backlog. Yeah, so then, once I've uploaded to buzzsprout, uh, that then acts as a launching pad for all the streaming platforms, so I then say which streaming platforms I want it to go on, and then it does it automatically. Then, four o'clock, thursday morning, it just appears. It appears.


It appears Like magic, but what I really like about Buzzsprout is the stats. The stats are. We get a lot of information about listeners, demographic, where people are listening from.


It's quite creepy in some ways now that we've said it out loud, but yeah, it's quite fun to know. Yeah, from like just a nerdy kind of curiosity perspective, where people are listening, what episodes people are listening to the most. Yeah, it's quite fun statistics.


It is. It is Because that's why we were saying about Bonfire Night, because I think that's what you're going to mention, isn't it?


Yeah, so yeah, we'll mention it now. So I downloaded basically our top episodes and it's no like. So top episodes is not our top episode, but how many of you guys have listened to those episodes, and how many times as well? So music obviously is top, because music is our first one. So I think people will go on that one obviously first, yeah, and then decide whether they want to continue. And I mean, our podcast episodes aren't really sequential in that sense, so you could well we record them.


I've noticed that people dive in and out.


Dive in and out. So if there's an episode that you don't want to listen to like you're not wanting to listen to the Christmas episode in the middle of July yeah, obviously that makes a lot of sense. So so music is our top, and then family and marriage is our second, because that is also our second episode. I don't know where education lies, but I think that was one of our first ones as well.




And then randomly so that was August 31st, which is our anniversary. That's what we're taking as our anniversary date is the music one, and then the next one that came about was the family marriage. That must have been quite a few after the music one. I guess people maybe want to know more about us yeah perhaps they think, oh, if we go on the family marriage one yeah, possibly learn more about them.


I don't know. Then education was in october, so it's like kind of like one a month and then randomly bonfire night, which I I personally wouldn't say is one of our best episodes no, it's, it's when we recorded that, I was thinking cool.


I thought halloween would be more popular than bonfire night yeah, I mean it's, it's up there in the top. Uh, one, two halloween is yeah, it's number six yeah it's number six.


I I wouldn't have said that that was our best episode, but obviously it resonates with a lot of people and a lot of people listen to it, which is very, very cool. And then I like to see that fears and phobias which so all of those top ones are in 2023, which I'd expect as people go through sequentially and then drop off, presumably because they don't like us anymore. But yeah, fears and phobias was March of this year. That's had one of the highest rates.


So, maybe I don't know again. Maybe it's that psychology thing. Maybe we should go further down the psychology route.


Well, this is it, because we've always said about the types of subjects that we do and, like we said in the conspiracy theories episode, you know we could have done a little.


We could have done a run of different conspiracy theories we could have done, yeah, but we're not a conspiracy theory, but we're not we have.


We want to keep the subject matter quite general and don't want to delve general light. Hairy fairy exactly, don't want to delve too deeply into things because I think, as we have to be quite conscious and quite respectful of other people as well, and if you start delving too deep into something, it could potentially have a knock-on effect.


Like I've often said, you know, we've said in other episodes before, you have to be respectful and also, uh, what's the I can't think inclusive include nothing like yeah, we need to be inclusive, but that's not the word I'm looking for, conscious of other people's feelings and other people's lives and what you say could affect them.


Yeah, absolutely Like. We don't want to trigger anyone. We don't want to. You know, a lot of these things are our own opinion.


Yeah, exactly.


Which we are entitled to, but we also understand that you know, we need to be sensitive of other people's views as well. That's exactly that.


That is exactly yeah so we have had a few guests, but I say a few guests we've had two guests. We've had benji.


We love benji yeah, we want him back actually benji is going to come back.


I hope benji is going to come back because obviously we've both known benji for years. Uh, I've been in bands with Benji before. I've slept in some very strange places with Benji, you know, like festivals and things.


Okay, yeah.


So, yeah, we've slept in recording studios as well, you know. So me and Benji are very close.


Have you ever slept in this particular room? Not in this particular room.


no, Not in this particular room, no, no room, not in this particular room, not in this particular room, no, no, uh.


And of course, we had mom, your darling mom, I nearly was gonna say mother, which she hates, she hates she hates me calling you her mother yeah, she, she done a few little quizzy episodes she did, she did they're one of my favorite episodes. Actually is is like our, when we just silly. Yeah, that was a quizzy episode but that was again, you know.


Oh, bless your mom, though, because she was that was the first time she was in here she was very nervous and she wasn't getting very close to the mic and I was just like, oh, she's not seasoned professionals like us. No, no she wasn't, but bless her, she did so well and definitely loved chocolate. In fact, we want I want to do an episode on um water sports and yeah, we need to get her on Water safety, things like that, because your mum's all over that. She's all over that.


She's all over that shit.


She'd absolutely love that, because that's the other thing. There are other guests that we need to get on, but, as you've already said it, everybody's really busy all the time.


Yeah and yeah just busy. We're all adults and we've all got our own little worlds going on and our own shit to deal with, I mean some of the people I want to get on.


The thing is Hillary. Auntie Hillary and to talk about Disney. There's a friend of mine, katie, who I really want to get on to talk about crime because she was an ex-police officer can't wait to meet her. I really want to get her to. There's another person, another colleague I work with, called Sharon, who is an avid book reader.


And I've already said, to Sharon.


I'd really want her to come on to the show.


We haven't done books, actually we haven't See.


This is an episode on books, but I want Sharon in here to do that with Now. Do you know what sharon does? What does sharon do?


she reads while walking a book what like does she have a kindle?


no book wow she walks down the street. How does she?


not walk into lampposts. I have no idea. It's the same thing as people looking into their phones. Nobody knows. Nobody knows how she does it. Well, we need to discuss that when she comes exactly this is why I want to get this is why I want to get Sharon on the show. Is she a Sharon with one R?


Sharon with one R.


That's how we differentiate between mum and the Sharon. Yeah, exactly Not that. One's my mum and one's not but the R.


And we want to get Anya on as well, don't we? Because Anya is all about her fitness.


Anya is all about fitness.


I can't wait to get anya on? Yeah, cannot wait. Should we talk about, like our international audience?


well, we do have quite an international audience.


Yeah, yeah, I was gonna pull up just some of the countries where people have I think it surprises me because obviously we are, we are clearly english spoken.


We don't really have a second language. We know parts of other languages a little, but we're not we're not fluent in another language.


So when it, when it, I know a lot of the world speaks english, but sometimes it really shocks me yes, well, people come from that are listening to us so we have 21 different countries that host our, that listen, that listen to us so obviously united kingdom yes yeah, of course, uh, united States, yes, singapore.


See, I don't know anyone in Singapore.


No, Hello Singapore, hello Singapore.


I hope you're doing well. Bangladesh Again don't know anyone in Bangladesh. Hello.


Netherlands. Now, I do know some people in the Netherlands.


Oh, okay, I do know some people in Netherlands, poland. Hello Poland.


New. Zealand.




New Zealand. Oh, you've got family in New Zealand.


Hello New Zealand family.




Yeah, I don't know anyone in India.




Yeah, we have some Canadian family.


We do have some Canadian family, yeah, iran.


Hi Iranians, because I don't know, I have no idea.


And I'll just read the book, because there's quite a few on here, so I'll read quickly germany, spain, mexico, greece, italy, egypt, portugal, sweden, guatemala, guatemala guatemala we have.


We have listeners in guatemala. Is that what they're called? I don't know guatemalians, but hello hi, welcome um qatar if you are these people by way that we don't know, that are not offensive. Please reach out Hi.


And the Philippines, hi, so yeah, so we have quite a big reach across the world.


I feel like we need a place where it's like hi from the Netherlands, hi from Poland, hi from here.


A bit like Eurovision.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's Eurovision this shit.


So yeah, I just so. I mean, that is one thing I love about Buzzsprout is that obviously it tells us where people are listening. Yeah, and even down to the city.


Yeah, that's pretty cool, it's just absolutely insane.


It's not just Norwich in the UK uk no, we, we have a, we have quite a global audience we do we?


we have a list on every continent, right, we? Do wait, did you say south america? We did yeah who's in south america?


no, actually I missed brazil off oh brazil but?


but we know what brazil was oh, we think that was my husband listening.


Yeah, our podcast in brazil yeah, because we only went to it's still fun to know that our podcast has been played in every continent.


Yeah, yeah, there we go. We'll go with that.






It was funny this morning, wasn't it, when we were just in the car and all the random playlist was coming on, oh yeah, and Mammal, Not Fish, started playing. Yeah, that's me, that is you, crazy.


Yeah, you have a favorite episode, hannah I do like the ones where we do play a game. Yeah, like the quiz ones were quite funny. Um, I like the ones with guests as well, just because I don't know it just brings a new dynamic I guess, to our little little duo that we've got, dynamic duo that we are, so I do like those ones.


If I was to pinpoint a particular one, I do really like the halloween episode. It's probably one of my favorites just us two, but yeah, I quite like I would say Rollercoaster because I got to absolutely nerd out for two hours, which was fun.


That was only supposed to be a 20 minute episode, yeah, and I had to edit that heavily.


Yeah, yeah, so I probably would say Halloween just because we were having fun with the buttons as well oh, we had a right laugh with the buttons.


Yeah, we did. Yeah, we did. That was good one like.


There's a few episodes that we sometimes record that I don't think are that good, until I hear it and I'm like oh actually that was quite funny or this and that.


But there's the one that always shocks me is everyone says they really like our food episode. And do you remember when we? I hear it and I'm like, oh, actually that was quite funny or this and that. But there's the one that always shocks me is everyone says they really like our food episode. And do you remember when we recorded our food episode? Yeah, and we both were like, well, that was a pile of shit like, but we, we just put it out anyway, because I think we just didn't have a lot of episodes at the time, or we we just put it out and I remember you sitting on that one for a while and you're like, oh, I'm not sure if it's any good or this, but a lot of people have said to me I really like that food episode. It was mentioned to me quite a lot.


A lot of people said they've liked the conspiracy theory one as well yeah, I think that was a really good episode but yeah, it surprises me when someone talks to me about the actual episodes and they're like oh, I'm a little bit behind at the moment, but I listened to this one the other day and I thought it was really good. I thought, and I think to myself I don't say it out loud, but I think to myself cool, I felt like when we recorded, that was a bit shit, it was a bit drab, like we didn't, we didn't joke around as much or or have you, but what's your favorite episode?


sorry, hi my bizarrely enough, mine was conspiracy theory. Oh really, yeah, I really enjoyed that's one of the later ones.


And yeah, I guess I don't like music as much because I feel like it was our first episode. We were quite green to it.


We were very green to it, we were still. You know we. I mean, we went in, we didn't even do a practice, did we? We just went in Straight in, straight in, straight in deep water, just sink or swim.


So it's kind of a little bit like that's everyone's first episode that they hear, and sometimes I always think, oh, like yeah, I know, I know, I know Should we, but it depends how people listen to podcasts and I don't know.


The thing is, when I often listen to people's podcast, other people's podcast the first the first yeah. The first one always is yeah.


You can tell okay, yeah, so yeah I'd say I would say conspiracy theory, but I do enjoy the ones like the quiz with your mom.


Yeah, and also the ones with benji yeah as well, a lot of people resonate with those ones as well. Yeah, exactly, but I'd really like the um. I do like the halloween one, yeah, but, yeah, conspiracy, you know, you say about the food episode as well. I mean even the disney episode. I sat on that for a while because I didn't think it was going to be any good. Because, you know again, because, like even you said, in the marvel episode, I remember when it makes that you went um, you know, obviously not everyone's going to like marvel, so feel free to skip this one.


And you know you kind of think, well, because I am film nerd yeah, so when it comes to films, because I there are a couple of other episodes that I want to do on films, but even then I'm thinking we.


We appreciate not everyone is as nerdy as us in particular subjects. So I think maybe it's a part of our personality that we think, oh, people won't be interested in the subject that we're interested in because it's so niche, but actually sometimes they're often the episodes that people resonate with more because they are a fan of it.


Yeah, maybe we do overthink the episodes sometimes we overthink it. Maybe we do overthink the episode sometimes.


We overthink it. Maybe we do overthink it sometimes. Food was great. Food was great I love food. Food. I do love food. I said that multiple times throughout that episode. So what does the future hold?


What does the Well? We've kind of already mentioned it. I would like to get the video thing sorted out, but I don't think that should be us.




I think we would.


We would need someone else to help us there. Yeah, we would need a third party. If anyone wants to offer, yeah, please let us know. Yeah, we would need a third party and I think as well, um, as much as I do the marketing, I would. I need more content for that. So that's where the video side would come in, and I think we would probably do better on tiktok if we had video yeah because right now I just do it as an audio based thing and there's nothing visual to look at.


So, yeah, there are several. There are several things that the future could hold.


Yeah, but we're growing we're still growing yeah, I mean, we're even discussing about the possibility of even converting the loft upstairs yeah, yeah I mean, well, it wouldn't just be for the podcast, but I really want, I really want to convert our loft into a proper music studio plus podcast room, plus games room Games room Games room D&D room.


Yeah, because there'd be enough room up there to get a decent table and all of that Because we love playing games. We do Just convert the loft and turn it into a proper kind of little bit of a social space workshop area. Yeah, absolutely that's what I'd like to do absolutely, but yeah, we're still growing.


We are still a little podcast, but we are, we are growing we are getting more lessons, you know, every, every month. It's, it's a good growth spike. It's not too much, which is good for us, uh, but not too little either, that we're not progressing. So it's good. Yeah, so, yeah, so it's good. So tell us what?


tell us, uh, if there's little either, that we're not progressing, so it's good. Yeah, so, yeah, so it's good. So tell us what. Tell us, uh, if there's any kind of subjects that you want us to cover. Yes, let us know. Get in touch, get, if you are listening internationally, drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you really, really would. Because it's amazing when I see all these, all these different countries that were you know, that were being heard, you know, internationally, and that's just awesome.


It is awesome, so yeah drop us a line, get in touch.


And we wouldn't obviously be here without you guys. So thank you so much for listening to us for a whole year. Yeah, a whole year, a whole year, a whole year, an entire year. Yeah, crazy.


And also I did think the other day, we've got to start doing the seasonal episodes again Because we've got Halloween coming up.


We do, what are we going to do? Halloween films.


I know. No, I think we should do something. Let's do something completely out there.


Completely, completely out there. Stay tuned.


Yeah, we'll see what we can come up with, okay.


Okay, bye-bye, no-transcript.